Thursday 2024.08.08

Handstand Work

2-3 sets

A. 2-3 tripod to crow position (:05-10 in the hardest variation you can control)

B. 6-8 donkey kicks/kick ups to wall

C. :15-20 heel pulls or :30-40 handstand hold/angled wall hold


40-30-20-10 calories*
4-3-2-1 wall walk

15 Russian Swings in between rounds

*alternate calories: 32-24-16-8

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 40-30-20-10 calories, 4-3-2-1 wall walks, and 15 Russian kettlebell swngs in between each round. This means you will do 40 calories, 4 wall walks, 15 swings. Then you will do 30 calories, 3 wall walks, 15 swings, followed by 20 calories, 2 wall walks, 15 swings, and finally 10 calories and 1 wall walk. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the amount of work completed before the 10 minute time cap expires.

The calorie rounds should be completed in about 1 minute per 20 calories. If this pace is not sustainable, consider scaling to 32-24-16-8 calories instead.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of 4 per minute or faster. Reduce the amount or the range of motion if necessary.

The swings should be a moderate-heavy weight and should be unbroken each round.

Wednesday 2024.08.07


3 rounds for time, with a partner:

40-50 Calorie machine OPWAAT
30 Synchronized DB hang snatch
40 Burpees over DB OPWAAT

22 min Cap


Today’s workout will be done with a partner and consists of 3 rounds of 40-50 calories, 30 synchronized dumbbell hang snatches, and 40 burpees over the dumbbell. The calories and burpees will be completed with one person working at a time, while the other partner rests. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the amount of rounds and reps completed before the 22 minute cap expires.

Switch with your partner on the machine often enough to maintain a high intensity on the machine. If this takes you any more than 3 minutes, reduce the amount of calories you perform.

The hang snatches should be done at a moderate weight that allows you to get the 30 reps done in 1-2 sets each round.

On the burpees, switch every 1-4 reps with your partner. You want to switch enough to keep the pace fast. This shouldn’t take much more than 3-3.5 minutes.

Tuesday 2024.08.06

Deep Pulling Cycle

1:30 AMRAP
–rest 2:00–
X2 rounds

choose one of the following movements and perform as many reps as possible in :90

-strict chest to bar pullups
-strict pull ups
-challenging ring rows


MOM 15

min 1- 10 DB bench press + 8 box jump step downs
min 2- 20 wall balls
min 3- 5-7 shuttle runs


Today’s workout is a 15 minute EMOM, meaning you will start a new round each minute for 15 minutes. Minute 1 will consist of 10 dumbbell bench presses and 8 box jumps. Minute 2 will be 20 wall balls. Minute 3 will be 5-7 shuttle runs. You will move through 5 total rounds of this.

The dumbbell bench press should be a light or moderate weight that allows you to remain unbroken throughout the entire workout.

Choose a safe height for your box jumps that you are confident jumping onto and will not hesitate one.

The wall balls should be unbroken throughout the workout.

The shuttle runs should take no more than :40 per round. Try to pick a number between 5-7 and stick with it and hold your same pace throughout the workout.

Monday 2024.08.05


Every :90 x 6 rounds

3 position power snatch (1, 2, 3) + OHS

pause for :01 in each position and in the receiving position on each rep. then pause for :03 in the bottom of the OHS


2:00 on/ 2:00 off x 3 rounds

AMRAP power clean and push jerks

slightly increase weight each round


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 2 minutes of work with 2 minutes of rest in between each round. During each working interval you will do as many power clean & push jerks as possible. Your score is the total amount of reps completed across the workout.

The clean and jerks should be completed as quick singles. Aim to start the first round at a light-moderate weight and add 5-10lbs each round. At no point should you be at risk of failing reps.

Saturday 2024.08.03


Teams of 3, 25:00 Clock

15 rope climb cash in

then AMRAP:

5 power clean each waterfall into
10 toes to bar each
200m run together
rest 1 minute after each round


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3 and will last 25 minutes. The workout starts with a 15 rope climb cash in, followed by as many rounds as possible of 5 power cleans each, 10 toes to bar each, and a 200m run together, with 1 minute of rest after each round. The power cleans and toes to bar will be done waterfall style. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed.

Waterfall relays mean partner 2 can start the power cleans once partner 1 moves onto the toes to bar. Once Partner 2 finishes power cleans they can then start the toes to bar only if partner 1 has finished their ttb. The same pattern applies to partner 3–they will start power cleans once partner 2 starts ttb. Once all partners are done with power cleans and ttb, the team will run 200m together

The rope climbs will be done with one person working at a time. Switch partners after every rep. If you are not confident climbing all the way up the rope or have yet to pass our [rope climb safety test]( then you can substitute rope lowers. Do 1-2 rope lower per rope climb rep.

The power clean should be a moderate-heavy weight and will be done in quick singles. a rep every 5-6 seconds is a good pace.

The toes to bar should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Substitute knee raises, straight leg raises, or v-ups/sit-ups.

The run shouldn’t take much more than 1 minute. Reduce the distance if necessary.