Wednesday 2024.08.14


Teams of 3

3:30 work/ 1:30 rest x 4 rounds:
AMRAP rope climbs in 2 minutes (OPWAAT)
AMRAP wall walks & calories in time remaining (TPWAAT)


Today’s workout will be done in teams of 3 and will consist of 4 rounds of work. Each round of work will consist of 2 minutes of rope climbs, followed by :90 of calories and wall walks. You will rest for :90 between each round as well. Your score is the amount of rope climbs, wall walks, and calories completed across the workout.

The rope climbs should be completed with one person working at a time while the other two teammates rest. Alternate partners after each rope climb. If you are unable to climb all the way up the rope or have yet to pass our [rope climb safety test](, you may climb up the bottom half of the rope, or perform rope lowers or hanging knee raises. If you opt for bottom half climbs, 2 reps count as one. If you opt for rope lowers, do 1-2 reps per rope climb. If you do hanging knee raises, 4-6 reps counts as one rope climb.

For the wall walks and calories, two people will be working at a time while one person rests. The simplest way to split this up is for partners to rotate every :30. Scale the wall walk range of motion as necessary.

At the end of each round, add your the calories on the machine to the total amount of rope climbs and wall walks performed for your score.

Tuesday 2024.08.13

Deep Pulling Cycle

Every 2:00 x 6 rounds

4-6 reps at 20×1 tempo of:
strict chest to bar or strict pull up


6-8 reps at 20×1 tempo of
banded pull ups or ring rows

*perform 5-7 light barbell rows immediately after each set.



Russian kettlebell swings
*12 box jumps after each round

10 minute cap


Today’s workout is 24, 21, 18 reps of pushups and Russian Kettlebell swings, with 12 box jumps after each round. So you will do 24 pushups, 24 swings, 12 box jumps, then 21 pushups, 21 swings, 12 box jumps, and finally 18 pushups, 18 swings, 12 box jumps. Your score is the time it takes to complete the work, or how much work you completed if you do not finish in 10 minutes or less.

The pushups should be completed in no more than 3 sets per round. This means you should be able to complete sets of 6-8 reps at a time with short breaks in between. Elevate the hands if necessary.

Try to remain unbroken on the kettlebell swings. You can use a moderate weight.

Choose a safe height on the box jump that allows you to move smoothly through the 12 reps without hesitating or fear of missing. Scale to step ups if you lose confidence on the jump at any point. Step down from every rep.

Monday 2024.08.12


every 2:00 x 5 rounds

1 power snatch with :03 pause 1″ off ground
1 power snatch with :03 pause at position 2
1 power snatch + overhead squat

*pause for :01 in receiving position of each power snatch as well


3 rounds for time:

4 clean and jerks
8 burpees over the bar
4 clean and jerks
14-18 calories

rest 2:00 after each round

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 4 clean & jerks, 8 burpees over the bar, 4 clean & jerks, and 14-18 calories.You will rest for 2 minutes after each round Your score is the amount of time it takes to complete the work (rest included), or the amount of work completed in 13 minutes if you do not finish.

The barbell weight should be moderate-heavy, requiring you to do quick singles rather than touch & go. You should not be in any danger of missing reps or standing over your barbell negotiating with yourself though.

Find a smooth pace on the burpees, If there is room we will go bar facing, otherwise lateral is fine. If you cannot do 8 reps in :45 or less, reduce the amount.

The calories should be done in 1 minute or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.


Saturday 2024.08.10


Teams of 4, AMRAP 25:00

Partner 1: 400m run

Remaining partners, two people working at a time(TPWAAT), AMRAP:
Sandbag cleans


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be completed in teams of 4. One team member will do a 400m run, while the remaining team members accumulate calories on a single machine and sandbag cleans. One partner will be resting at all times, switching out as necessary. Your score is the amount of calories and sandbag cleans completed across the workout.

This workout is a lesson in pacing, as there is not a ton of rest built in. You will want to hold a sustainable pace on the calories and sandbag cleans to ensure you do not crash before the 25 minute time cap.

The run should be completed in about 2 minutes or less. If you cannot hold this pace, reduce the distance as necessary to be back inside in about 2 minutes.

For the TPWAAT work, consider rotating through movements/rest after a given amount of calories/cleans, or a given amount of time.

Friday 2024.08.09


A) power clean + front squat : 1+
B) bench press: x

rest :90 between movements



min 1- 20-30 double unders, 20 situps
min 2- :30 max burpees


Today’s workout is an 8 minute EMOM. You will start a new round every minute for 8 rounds. Once you finish the work for a given minute, rest until the next minute begins. The odd minutes are 20-30 double unders and 20 abmat sit ups. The even minutes are :30 of max burpees. Your score is the total amount of burpees completed.

The dubs should be completed in 20 seconds or less. Substitute single unders or reduce the amount if necessary.

The situps should be done in one single set. If you can’t do this or if it takes longer than the minute, reduce the reps.