Jul 25, 2024
Strength & Mobility
3 rounds
alternating arm dumbbell bench press x 8-10/side (start at top)
diagonal stretch x 10+:10/side
hanging L-sit :15-30
20-25 calorie row
15 pull ups
10 hand release push ups
5 burpees to target
Today’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP of 20-25 calories, 15 pull ups, 10 hand release push ups, and 5 burpees to a target. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 12 minutes.
The calories shouldn’t take any more than :90. Reduce the amount if necessary.
The pull ups should be completed in no more than 3 sets per round. Substitute ring rows or jumping pull ups if necessary.
The push ups should be completed in 2 sets or less each round. Elevate the hands if necessary, or do regular pushups if hand release is too challenging. If you elevate the hands, don’t worry about the hand release.
Choose a target that is 6-12″ above your reach for the burpees. If this is too challenging, pick something that is just beyond your reach when standing with arms extended overhead.
Jul 24, 2024
Strength & Mobility
Overhead Squat
build to a heavyish single with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom. Then use the same weight for another single with no tempo restriction.
then do 2-3 sets/side of 6-8 feet elevated split squats at 30×0 tempo with :60 rest between sets
Every 2:30 x 4 rounds
4 power cleans
8 shoulder to overhead
12 front squats
Today’s workout is 4 rounds of work, with a new round beginning every 2:30. Each round will consist of 4 power cleans, 8 shoulder to overhead, and 12 front squats. Your score is the sum total time it takes to complete all 4 rounds.
The weight on the bar should be light-moderate. Choose a weight that you can stay unbroken on the shoulder to overhead and front squats.
Consider starting with singles on the power clean and then once you complete your 4th power clean try not to drop the bar until you have finished the front squats. If this feels manageable and you want to push the pace, opt for touch-and-go cleans into the S2OH and front squats.
If this takes you any more than 1:15, you have gone to heavy and should decrease weight.
Jul 23, 2024
With a partner, for time:
AFR, 5 rounds each:
30 double unders
25 ft sandbag carry
5 sandbag cleans
25 ft sandbag carry
then move immediately into
48-60 calories OPWAAT
60 synchronized American kettlebell swings
48-60 calories OPWAAT
60 double kettlebell deadlift OPWAAT
25 minute cap
Today’s workout will be done with a partner and will consist of two parts. In part 1 you and you partner will alternate full rounds until each partner as completed 5 rounds of 30 double unders, a 25 ft sandbag carry, 5 sandbag cleans, and another 25 ft sandbag carry. After completed 5 rounds each you will move straight into 48-60 calories, 60 synchronized American kettlebell swings, another 48-60 calories, and then 60 double kettlebell deadlifts. The calories and deadlifts will be OPWAAT. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount completed at the 25 minute cap.
The double unders should be completed in about :20. Substitute single unders if necessary.
You can challenge yourself with the sandbag weight, but you shouldn’t be hesitating for the carries or cleans.
The calories shouldn’t take much more than 3 minutes per set. Reduce the amount if necessary and switch partners as often as necessary to maintain a fast pace.
Use a single set of kettlebells for the swings and deadlift. The swings will be synchronized at the top and should be completed in sets of 15-20 at at a time. The deadlifts can be completed in sets of 10-15.
Jul 22, 2024
Strength & Mobility
3-4 rounds
dips x 6-8 reps @ 31×1 tempo
straddle pancake progression x 10 reps + :10 hold on last rep
dumbbell row x 8-10/side
min 1: AMRAP rope climb
min 2: 10 db push press + 10 toes to bar
min 3: rest
Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM. In the first minute you will get as many rope climbs as possible. In the second minute you will do 10 dumbbell push presses and 10 toes to bar. Minute 3 will be rest. You will go through this 4 times, with your score being the total amount of rope climbs completed across the workout.
If you haven’t completed our rope climb safety test, you can do rope climbs up the bottom half of the rope. You can also substitute rope lowers and/or hanging knee raises from the rope.
The push press should be unbroken each round. Use a moderate weight on the dumbbells.
The toes to bar should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. Substitute knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or sit-ups if necessary.
Jul 21, 2024
1 rep at RPE 8-9
straight into snatch pull rounds:
Every :90 x 4 rounds
4 reps @ 100% max snatch
30-20-15-10-5 wall balls
5-10-15-20-30* rower calories
10 minute cap
Today’s workout is 30-20-15-10-5 wall balls, 5-10-15-20-30 rower calories. This means you will do 30 wall balls, 5 rower calories, then 20 wall balls, 10 calories, etc. You will continue until you finish the round of 5 wall balls and 30 rower cals. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout.
The wall balls should be completed in 1-2 sets per round.
*If you cannot do at least 14 calories per minute, consider scaling to 4-8-12-15-24 calories.