Monday 2024.07.01


Power Snatch

min 1-4: 2 reps at RPE 6-7
min 5-8: 1 rep at RPE 7-8

straight into snatch pull rounds:
Every :90 x 4 rounds
5 reps @ 80-85% max snatch


4 rounds for time

12-15 calories
10 double dumbbell hang snatches
20m dumbbell front rack walking lunge
rest 1 minute

13 minute cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 12-15 calories, 10 double dumbbell hang snatches, and 20m of dumbbell front rack walking lunges. You will rest 1 minute after completing each round. Your score is the time it takes to complete the 4 rounds, or the amount of work completed if you don’t finish in 13 minutes or less.

The calories should take no more than :45. Reduce the amount as necessary.

Use a single set of dumbbells that allows the snatches and lunges to be completed unbroken.

Saturday 2024.06.29


WAP, AMRAP 25, OPWAAT except burpees

45-60 calories
40m dumbbell walking lunges
20 synchronized burpees
40 push ups


Today’s workout is a 25 minute AMRAP to be completed with a partner. Each round will consist of 45-60 calories, 40m of walking lunges with dumbbells, 20 synchronized burpees, and 40 push ups. Everything is OPWAAT except for the burpees.

The calories should be completed in 3 minutes or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.

Choose a set of dumbbells that allows you to complete unbroken 20m segments on the lunge.

The burpees should be completed in less than :90. Reduce the amount if necessary. Synchronized means you must both be in the air at the same time.

The push ups should be completed in sets of 10. Elevate the hands if necessary to complete repeated sets of 10 throughout the workout.

Friday 2024.06.28

Strength & Mobility

working sets of 12, 9, 6

Pause for at least :01 at the top of each rep

in between sets work on your dragon flag progression (see notes for details)


3 rounds

24-30 cal row
5, 4, 3 wall walks
20 renegade rows
3, 4, 5 muscle ups

12 minute cap


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of 24-30 calories, a set of wall walks, 20 renegade rows, and then a set of muscle ups. The wall walks start with 5 reps in round 1, and then decrease by 1 rep in each successive round. The muscle ups do the opposite, starting with 3 reps and then progressing to 4 and finally 5 reps. Your score is the amount of time to complete the workout. You have 12 minutes to finish.

The calories should be done in :90 or less. Reduce the amount if necessary.

The wall walks should be completed at a pace of 5 per minute. If you are much slower than this, do 4, 3, 2 reps instead. Adjust the range of motion as necessary.

The renegade rows should be completed in 1-2 sets per round. 1 rep = 1 row. So 20 reps is 10 per side.

If you cannot do muscle ups, do 2-3x the amount of reps of chest to bar pull ups, pull ups, or jumping chest to bar pull ups.

Wednesday 2024.06.26


With a partner, OPWAAT except the synchro snatches

100-125 calories
40 syncho alternating arm dumbbell snatches
200 double unders
80 dumbbell push presses
200 double unders
40 synchro alternating arm dumbbell snatches
100-125 calories

30 minute cap


Today’s workout is a chipper, to be completed with a partner. Teams will do 100-125 calories, 40 synchronized alternating arm dumbbell snatches, 200 double unders, 80 dumbbell push presses, 200 double unders, another 40 synchronized db snatches, and aother 100-125 calories. Everything is OPWAAT except for the snatches. Your score is the time it takes to complete all of the work, or the amount of work completed if you do not finish in 30 minutes or less.

The calories should be completed in 7 minutes or less. Decrease the amount if necessary to be off the machine in 7 minutes.

Use 1 set of dumbbells for the workout. You’ll use 1 for the snatches and both for the push presses. The 40 snatches should be completed in 2-3 sets. The push presses should be done in sets of 10 at a time. For the synchronized snatches, athletes much synch up at the top of the movement.

switch with a partner every 25-50 double unders. People can scale to 1.5-2x the amount of singles if necessary.

Tuesday 2024.06.25

Strength & Mobility

2 rounds:

perform 1 rope climb with pauses + 1 without pauses


3 minute rope climb AMRAP

In between sets perform:
2 straddle Jefferson Curls with :10 descent
:10 – :30+ ring support hold
:10 – :30+ bottom of ring dip hold


Do not incorporate the pauses in the AMRAP minute. Be sure to maintain consistent technique even when removing the pauses.

Paused Rope Climb Technique:
1. jump to rope and pause for :03 hanging with straight arms
2. lift feet as high as possible, create foot lock and pause for :03
3. stand on lock and pause for :03
4. repeat cycle with pauses until you reach the top of the rope.
5. lower from the top by slightly loosening your foot lock and descending hand-under-hand



10 toes to bar
50ft crawl
10 push ups
50ft crawl
10 pull ups
50ft crawl


Today’s workout is a 10 minute AMRAP of 10 toes to bar, 10 pushups, and 10 pull ups, with a 50ft crawl after each movement. Your score is the amount of rounds and reps completed in 10 minutes.

The toes to bar, push ups, and pullups should be completed in 1-2 sets each round. You can scale toes to bar to knee raises, straight leg raises, v-ups, or situps. Elevate the hands as necessary for the push ups. Pull ups can be scaled to jumping pull ups or ring rows.

The crawls should be completed in 25ft unbroken segments.