Tuesday 2023.11.07


3 sets:

3-5 strict chest to bar
:30 rest
6-8 strict chin over bar
:30 rest
8-10 banded chest to bar
1:30 rest between sets


If you are unable to perform these movements for the given rep range, consider scaling to:

3-5 banded chest to bar
6-8 banded chin over bar
8-10 heavier banded chest to bar.

If you cannot use bands to perform these movements for the given rep ranges, consider scaling to:

3-5 challenging ring rows (more horizontal body angle)
6-8 normal/moderately difficult ring rows (less horizontal body angle)
8-10 easier ring rows (more vertical body angle)


For time

15 burpee pull ups
30 burpee box jump overs
45 bar facing burpees
60 burpees

*14 minute time cap*


Today’s metcon is a series of different versions of the burpee. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout or the work completed at the 14 minute time cap.

For the burpee pull ups, you may substitute a burpee + jumping pull up if you cannot yet do a pull up.

The burpee box jump overs should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. If this pace sounds overly aggressive, consider decreasing the reps to 20-25 reps.

Burpees over the bar can be done laterally. These should be done at a pace of around 10-12/minute. Again, if that pace doesn’t sound sustainable, lower the reps here to 35-40.

We will end with traditional burpees. The goal pace is again 12 or so a minute. Lower the reps to 50-55 if that does not sound attainable.

Monday 2023.11.06


Power clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Jerk

Every :90 x 6 rounds


Focus on quality hitting the quality positions we have been training for the last couple month on the power clean and front squat. Focus on a vertical dip and power leg drive in the push press and jerk.

It is up to you weather you build in weight across these sets or hit the same working weight for multiple sets. Avoid missing any reps and be sure to focus on movement quality on each set.



1 – 5 power cleans
2 – 10 shoulder to overhead
3 – 15 front squats
4 – 15-18 calories
5 – Rest


Today’s metcon is an EMOM with power cleans, shoulder to overhead, front squats, and calories.

You will use the same weight for all three movements. Choose your weight based on the movement that will limit you the most, which will most likely be the shoulder to overhead. The shoulder to overhead should be moderate and the goal is to go unbroken across these reps.

Your power cleans should be unbroken as well as the front squats.

The calories should be completed in the minute. Keep in mind, you will have a minute of rest after the calories. If this calorie range still does not sound sustainable, decrease the number of calories to 12-15.

Saturday 2023.11.04


Teams of 3, AMRAP 30

Calories +

20 devil press
20 front rack reverse lunges
20 toe to bar
40 devil press
40 front rack reverse lunges
40 toe to bar

*one person on machine with other two on the ascending ladder


Today’s team workout is an AMRAP of calories and an ascending ladder of devil press, front rack reverse lunges, and toe to bar. You will have two scores: calories and reps completed on the ascending ladder. One person will be accumulating calories while the other two will be working through the ascending ladder, opwaat style. You may switch on the machine whenever you want.

The devil press will be performed with two dumbbells. Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to switch with your partner every few reps. It is suggested you keep these sets small.

You will use the same weight for the front rack reverse lunges as you did for the devil press. Consider switching about every 8-10 reps with your partner.

Keep the sets of toe to bar small before switching with your partner. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you are unable to hang from the pull up bar.

Friday 2023.11.03


2-3 sets

a) Sandbag hold lunge x 6-8/side
b) Dumbbell bench x 10-12 @20×1

2-3 sets

c) Single arm suitcase deadlift x 6-8/side @ 21×1
d) Dumbbell pullovers x 10-12 @ 31×1


Maintain control and gently tap the back knee on the ground for your lunges. Do not collapse or crash your knee to the ground.

The single arm suitcase deadlift can be performed with a kettlebell. Be sure to keep a neutral posture and avoid letting the unilateral cause you to lose position or overcompensate. If you use a barbell, be sure you are gripping the bar in the middle to prevent it tilting or rotating.

For the dumbbell pullovers, start light and feel the stretch through the full range of motion. Once you are comfortable with the ROM you may take these heavy as you would any other strength exercise.


25-20-15 calories
15-10-5 power cleans

12 min time cap


The metcon today is a descending ladder of calories and power cleans.Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout or work completed at the 12 minute cap.

Your calories should be done at a pace of about 13-15/minute. If this pace sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the calories to 20-18-12.

Your power cleans can be moderately heavy. Aim for quick singles.

Thursday 2023.11.02


Build to a heavy set of 4 back squat with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom on the first rep. No tempo restrictions on the subsequent reps.

Then use the same weight to perform 2 sets of 4-6 reps with no tempo restrictions whatsoever

*Do 2-3 prone shoulder CARs between sets*



35-40 calories
40 burpees
40 goblet squats


Today’s workout is a short AMRAP of calories, burpees, and goblet squats. Your score will be the number of rounds and reps completed.

Calories should be done at a pace of around 13-15/minute. If this pace sounds overly aggressive then consider lowering the calories to 30-35.

Burpees should be completed at a pace of about 12/minute. Lower the number of burpees to 30-35 if this pace sounds unsustainable or consider doing normal burpees.

Your squat weight for the squats should be light-moderate. The goal is to complete these squats in no more than 3 sets.