Monday 2023.11.20


Clean + Jerk

1+2 every :90 x 6 rounds
hold jerk receiving position for :03 on final jerk rep


Focus on quality hitting the quality positions we have been training for the last couple month on the power clean and front squat. Focus on a vertical dip and power leg drive in the jerk.

It is up to you weather you build in weight across these sets or hit the same working weight for multiple sets. Avoid missing any reps and be sure to focus on movement quality on each set.

Aim to match or exceed what you hit last week.


wall balls

*15 minute cap*


Today’s workout is a ladder of wall balls, V-ups, and calories. You will complete 10 of each movement, followed by 20 of each, 30 of each, and then 20 of each movement again, and finish with 10 reps of each movement. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout or work completed at the 15 minute time cap.

Your wall balls should be mostly unbroken. You may break the set of 30 into 2 sets if necessary.

V-ups can be broken up into smaller sets with quick breaks. You may substitute single leg V-ups, tuck ups, or sit ups.

Calories should be done at a pace of at least 12-15/minute. If this pace sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the calories to 10-15-20-15-10.

Saturday 2023.11.18


Teams of 2

400 m run
150 calories
150 DB thrusters
400 m run
150 toe to bar
150 hang DB snatches
400 m run

*30 min cap*


The team workout today will be done it teams of 2. Runs will be done together while the other movements will be completed opwaat (one person working at a time) style. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, or work completed at the 30 minute time cap.

Runs should take no longer than about 2:15. If this pace sounds aggressive then consider lowering the distance to 300 m.

You will use two dumbbells for the thrusters and one dumbbell for the hang snatches. These should be the same weight dumbbells. Choose your weight so that the thrusters and hang snatches can be completed in sets of at least 8-10 before switching reps.

Calories should be done at a pace of about 12-15/minute. If this pace sounds unsustainable, then it is suggested that you lower the calories to 125.

Keep your sets of toe to bar small. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you’re unable to hang from the pull up bar.

Friday 2023.11.17


2-3 sets

a) Sandbag hold lunge x 6-8/side
b) Dumbbell bench x 10-12 @20×1

2-3 sets

c) Single arm suitcase deadlift x 6-8/side @ 21×1
d) Dumbbell pullovers x 10-12 @ 31×1


Maintain control and gently tap the back knee on the ground for your lunges. Do not collapse or crash your knee to the ground.

The single arm suitcase deadlift can be performed with a kettlebell. Be sure to keep a neutral posture and avoid letting the unilateral cause you to lose position or overcompensate. If you use a barbell, be sure you are gripping the bar in the middle to prevent it tilting or rotating.

For the dumbbell pullovers, start light and feel the stretch through the full range of motion. Once you are comfortable with the ROM you may take these heavy as you would any other strength exercise.


3 sets

In 2:00
10 sandbag cleans
Max calories

Rest 2:00


Today’s workout is 3 sets of sandbag cleans and calories. You will complete 10 sandbag cleans and then as many calories as possible in the remaining time of the 2:00 window. Your score will be total number of calories completed across the 3 sets.

Your sandbag weight should be moderate. The cleans should take no longer than about :45 or so. You will just bring the sandbag to the top of your shoulder.

You may choose whatever machine you want for the calories. You can push the intensity here, given that you will just have a 1:1 work:rest ratio and only 3 sets.

Thursday 2023.11.16


Build to a heavy set of 4 back squat with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom on the first rep. No tempo restrictions on the subsequent reps.

Then use the same weight to perform 2 sets of 4-6 reps with no tempo restrictions whatsoever

*Do 2-3 prone shoulder CARs between sets*


5 rounds for time

6 chest to bar pull ups
12 wall balls
15-18 calories

*13 minute cap*


The metcon today is five rounds for time of chest to bar pull ups, wall balls, and calories. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the five rounds or work completed in the 13 minute time cap.

The chest to bar pull ups should be completed in 1-2 sets across the workout. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded pull up variations, or jumping pull up variations.

Wall balls should be unbroken across the 5 rounds. This would be a good day to challenge yourself with a heavier wall ball.

Calories should take no longer than about 1:15 across the workout. You may lower the calories to 12-15 if this pace sounds overly aggressive.

Wednesday 2023.11.15


2 sets

800 m run (same pace as 400s week 1)
400 m (3-5 seconds faster than last week)
200 m (5 seconds faster than week 1 400 pace)
3:00 between sets


The running workout today is two sets of 800s, 400s, and 200s. You will rest 1:30 between runs and 3:00 between sets. Your score will be your two 800 m run times.

The 800s should be around the same pace as your week 1 400s. For example, if your 400 pace from week 1 was 2:00, then your 800s should be around 4:00.

The 400s should be 3-5 seconds faster than week 1.

Your 200s should also be 3-5 seconds faster than week 1. For example, if your 400 pace is 2:00, then your 200s should be :55-:57 (Week 1 200 m pace is 1:00, then subtract 3-5 seconds).