Friday 2023.12.01


2-3 sets

a) Sandbag hold lunge x 4-6/side
b) Dumbbell bench x 8-10 @20X1

2-3 sets

c) Single arm suitcase deadlift x 4-6/side @ 21X1
d) Dumbbell pullovers x 8-10 @ 31X1


Maintain control and gently tap the back knee on the ground. Do not collapse or crash your knee to the ground.

The single arm suitcase deadlift can be performed with a kettlebell or a barbell. Be sure to keep a neutral posture and avoid letting the unilateral cause you to lose position or overcompensate. If you use a barbell, be sure you are gripping the bar in the middle to prevent it tilting or rotating.

For the dumbbell pullovers, start light and feel the stretch through the full range of motion. Once you are comfortable with the ROM you may take these heavy as you would any other strength exercise.

Try to go a little heavier on these movements given the decrease in reps from last week.


For time

15-20 cal
60 m sandbag carry
20 DB snatches

*5 min cap*


Today’s workout is a sprint chipper of calories, sandbag carry, and dumbbell snatches. Your score is the time it takes to complete the chipper or the work completed at the 5 minute cap.

Your calories should be done at a near-sprint pace. If this calorie range sounds too much for you to maintain high intensity, consider lowering the calories to 18-20.

Your sandbag carry should be unbroken, but choose a weight that will be challenging.

The dumbbell snatches should be heavy. Aim for small touch and go sets or singles.

Thursday 2023.11.30


Build to a heavy set of 3 with a :03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom on the first rep. No tempo restrictions on the subsequent reps.

Then use the same weight to perform 2 sets of 3-5 reps with no tempo restrictions whatsoever.

Do 2-3 prone shoulder CARs between sets.


Try to go a little heavier than you did last week when there were more reps and a more restrictive tempo.


For time

3 rounds
12 toe to bar
12 front squats


50 burpees over the bar

*13 minute cap*


The workout today is a few rounds of front squats and toe to bar into a bigger set of burpees over the bar. You will complete the three rounds first and immediately go into the burpee box jump overs. Your score is the time it takes to complete the entire workout, or work completed at the 13 minute time cap.

Toe to bar should be done in no more than 2-3 sets across the three rounds. You may substitute hanging knee raises, leg raises, or sit ups if you are unable to hang on to the pull up bar.

Your front squat weight should be moderate, but the goal is to go unbroken across the 3 rounds.

Burpees over the bar should be done at a pace of at least 8-10/minute. If this pace sounds aggressive, then consider lowering the number of burpees to 40-45. You may also complete normal burpees.

Wednesday 2023.11.29



Start: 1 mile
12 min: 800m
18 min: 400m
21 min: 200m
23 min: 100m
24 min: 50m


Skywalker is a classic test here at Solidarity, and today you get to show all the pacing work you’ve done! Your score is the cumulative time from all six running intervals.

At 0:00, you will run 1 mile, and then proceed with the other intervals at the designated times.

Try running your mile and 800 m close to your 400 m pace from week 1 of this cycle. You can push the pace of the remaining intervals.

If at least a 10-minute mile pace is not sustainable for you, considering adjusting the distances down to 1200m, 600m, 300m, 150m, 75m, and 50m to allow for more rest.

Tuesday 2023.11.28


3 sets

6-8 strict chest to bar
:45 rest
10-12 strict chin over bar
:45 rest
12-14 banded chest to bar

2:30 between sets


If you are unable to perform these movements for the given rep range, consider scaling to:

3-5 banded chest to bar
6-8 banded chin over bar
8-10 heavier banded chest to bar.

If you cannot use bands to perform these movements for the given rep ranges, consider scaling to:

3-5 challenging ring rows (more horizontal body angle)
6-8 normal/moderately difficult ring rows (less horizontal body angle)
8-10 easier ring rows (more vertical body angle)


At 0:00
90 double unders
20-25 calories
20 chest to bar pull ups

At 7:00
20 chest to bar pull ups
20-25 calories
90 double unders

*6 min cap on each piece*


The workout today is two sets of double unders, calories, and chest to bar pull ups. The first set will go double unders, calories, and chest to bar pull ups. At 7:00, you will start the second piece and go in reverse order: pull ups, calories, and double unders. There is a 6 minute cap on each piece, which means you are guaranteed at least one minute of rest after the first round. Your score will be your time for the second round.

The double unders should take no longer than about 1:30. You may decrease the number of double unders, or subsitute single unders.

Calories should be completed in less than about 1:30. If that pace sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the calories to 15-20.

Your chest to bar pull ups can be split up however you need. It’s okay to do smaller sets as long as your breaks are short. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded pull up variations, or jumping pull up variations.

Monday 2023.11.27


Clean + Jerk

1 rep every :90 x 6 rounds


If you are feeling good try to build to a heavy set for the day.


2 rounds for time

25-30 calories
50 wall balls
200 m run

*14 minute cap*


Today’s metcon is 2 rounds of calories, wall balls, and running. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the two rounds, or work completed at the 14 minute time cap.

The calories should take no longer than about two minutes. If this pace sounds overly aggressive, consider lowering the calories to 20-25.

Your wall balls should be completed in as few sets as possible. Ideally it’s done in 4 sets or less.

The runs should take no longer than about 1:30.