Sep 18, 2023
Barbell hip extension
Build to 3 sets of 6-8 w/ a :01 pause at the top of each rep
*Perform :40-:60 full eagle hang or :20-:30/side half eagle hang in between sets
Perform all 3 working sets at the same weight and aim for the top end of the rep range. If you get 3×10 this week, increase the weight next week.
You may take your hands wider on the half eagle hang if necessary for shoulder comfort.
Odd minutes: max cal row
Even minutes: 12 dumbbell snatches
*continue until 100-120 calories are completed
15 minute cap
Today’s workout is an EMOM of rowing and dumbbell snatches. During odd minutes, you will accumulate as many calories as possible. During the even minutes, you will complete 12 dumbbell snatches. You will continue in this fashion until you have completed a total of 100-120 calories. Your score will be the time it takes you to complete your target number of calories, or calories completed at the 15 minute time cap.
You should be able to row at least 15 calories in a minute. If this pace sounds unsustainable, considering lowering your target to 80-100 calories.
Your dumbbell weight should be moderate heavy, but you should still be able to complete your snatches unbroken each round.
Sep 18, 2023
Snatch Pull + Snatch
You will have time to build to a working weight before the EMOM begins. Once the EMOM starts you can either build up across your sets or repeat the same weight for multiple sets.
Focus on quality positions in the pull and vertical extension on the snatch.
12 Russian kettlebell swings
12 box jumps
12 wall balls
12-15 calories
Today’s metcon is 16 minutes of Russian kettlebell swings, box jumps, wall balls, and calories. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in the 16 minutes.
Your kettlebell weight should be moderately heavy since these are Russian swings. However, aim to go unbroken through the workout.
Your box height should be such that you do not hesitate. However, you’re always welcome to step on the box.
Wall balls should be unbroken throughout the sixteen minutes. Choose your weight accordingly.
Calories should take no longer than about a minute. You may lower the number of calories if this pace sounds overly aggressive for today.
Sep 15, 2023
Teams of 2, 3 rounds for time
90 m sandbag carry
60 burpees over the bar
300 m run (together)
15 power cleans
*30 min cap*
Today’s team workout will be done in teams of two. All movements are opwaat (one person working at a time) except the run which will be completed together. Your score is the time it takes to complete all 3 rounds, or work completed at the 30 minute time cap.
Your sandbag should be moderately heavy and you should aim to switch every 10-20 meters with your partner. Burpees over the bar should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute, but switch with your partner in small sets. If this pace sounds overly aggressive, consider scaling the burpees to 40-45.
Your runs should take no longer than 2:00. Lower the distance to 200 m if this pace sounds unsustainable.
Your power clean weight should be moderately heavy. Switch every 1-2 reps with your partner.
Sep 14, 2023
Part 1: 3 sets Wall Facing Handstand Scissor Kicks x 6-10/side
*2-3 Light Kick Ups to Wall in between sets
Part 2:
2-3 sets
3-5 False Grip Pull Ups or Ring Rows at 21×1 tempo
5-7 Ring Dips at 21×2 tempo
There are 3 levels to the Wall Facing Scissor Kicks. The easiest variation has at least one foot on the wall at all times. Bring both feet to the wall before switching legs . The second variation has the feet off the wall at the same time for a brief moment as you switch legs. The hardest variation requires you to pause with both feet off of the wall stacked over your center of gravity while switching legs.
If you feel yourself losing balance and getting ready to fall forward, be sure to rotate to the side so you can have safe dismount. Do not let yourself fall forward onto your back at any point
If you are unable to perform a full wall facing handstand then you may scale this to a [handstand from a pike position on a box with one leg stacked over your hands. DO this for a :10-:20 per side for 1 or 2 rounds each set.
For the kick ups into the back-to-wall handstand, try to have either no contact with the wall or just a light touch of your foot against the wall. Wait until your lead leg is either vertically balanced or has lightly touched the wall before bringing your plant leg up to meet it.
Be sure to bring your arms to full extension without losing the false grip at the bottom of your [pull ups/ring rows.
You may keep one foot on the ground or a box for the [ring dips if necessary. Spot yourself as much as is necessary to achieve a control through the full range of motion.
For time
250-300 m row
15 pull ups
7 wall walks
250-300 m row
7 wall walks
15 pull ups
250-300 m row
*12 minute cap*
The workout today is rowing, pull ups, and wall walks. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout, or reps completed at the 12 minute time cap.
If you think you will row at a pace of slower than 2:10/500 m, consider rowing 200-250 m instead.
Your pull ups should be done in no more than 3 sets. You may substitute banded pull ups or jumping pull ups.
Wall walks should be completed in about 1:30 or less. You may decrease the number of wall walks or modify the height of the wall walks.
Sep 13, 2023
Front Squat
Build to 2-3 working sets of 3-5 reps with :03 pause in the bottom of the first 2 reps
Perform 3-5 wall bridges/side between sets
For the wall bridges, start standing with hands on the wall, exactly in line with your feet with knees slightly bent. Turn your palm outward and lift the fingers off the wall so you are leaning on the heel of the palm. Initiate with the leg followed by the same side hand (if you go left take a step with the right leg followed by the right hand), when the hand arrive to the wall make sure the fingers pointing inward towards each other. Then exit the position first with the hand followed by the leg.
This should be relatively easy, if you feel too much effort try to soften the body, let it twist keep the knees bent and notice if you hold an unnecessary tension.
When you got it gradually lower your hands on the wall until hip height (no point going lower than that on the wall).
For time
25-30 cal
15 Russian KBS
30 goblet squats
15 Russian KBS
25-30 cal
10 min cap
Today’s workout is a pyramid chipper of calories, Russian kettlebell swings, and goblet squats. Your score is the time it takes to complete the chipper or reps completed at the 10 minute cap.
Calories should take no longer than 2:00 on either end. You may lower the number of calories to 20-25 if that pace sounds overly aggressive.
Your kettlebell should be heavy. The goal is to keep the swings unbroken.
Your squats should be completed in 2-3 sets.