May 14, 2023
Backsquat: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1
In between working sets, 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side
Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you are short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight and try for sets of 6 across.
In between your working sets you will perform 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side.
20 DB snatches
10 target burpees
20 single arm dumbbell thrusters
10 target burpees
Today’s metcon is an AMRAP of dumbbell snatches, burpees over the bar, and single arm dumbbell thrusters. Your score will be the rounds and reps completed in fifteen minutes.
You will use the same weight for the snatches and single arm DB thrusters. Choose your weight based on which movement will limit you the most. It should be light enough that the dumbbell snatches and thrusters are unbroken, at least for the first round or two. You will alternate arms on the DB snatches, and alternate every 10 reps on the thrusters.
The target burpees should take no longer than 1 minute. If you think this is an unreasonable pace to hold across fifteen minutes, decrease the number of burpees to 8.
May 12, 2023
Teams of 4
400 m run (all together)
100 synchro wall balls (2 people working at once)
400 m run (all together)
100 synchro high five burpees (2 people working at once)
400 m run (all together)
100 synchro jumping lunges (2 people working at once)
400 m run (all together)
The team workout today will be completed in teams of 4. You will run all together and then complete the wall balls, burpees, and jumping lunges in pairs with two people working at the same time. The wall balls, burpees, and jumping lunges will be done in synchro within pairs.
The runs should take no longer than 2:30 across the workout. You can run 300 m instead, if this sounds like an aggressive pace.
Wall balls should be done in sets of at least 10-15 before switching with the other pair.
You should switch pairs on burpees every 5-10 reps. If you think 10 burpees/minute is unattainable today, decrease the reps to 80 burpees instead.
It is recommended to switch every 6-10 reps on the jumping lunges. If you’re uncomfortable completing jumping lunges, you may substitute goblet hold reverse lunges with a light-moderate weight.
May 11, 2023
Deadlift: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 11×1 tempo
In between, perform 8-10 wall angels
Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight next week and try for sets of 6 across.
11×1 means these will be deadstop reps where you will ensure you have created tension by pulling the slack out of the bar at the bottom of each rep. Dropping the bar from lockout will be considered a no rep. However, you do not need to slow the tempo down on the descent. Simply let gravity do the work while you maintain proper posture and a full grip on the bar.
AMRAP 2: c&j
1:00 rest
AMRAP 2: bar facing burpees
1:00 rest
AMRAP 2: c&j
Today’s metcon is a series of short AMRAPs. You score is the total number of reps you complete across the three AMRAPs.
The clean and jerk weight should be light-moderate so that you can complete quick singles or small touch and go sets.
The goal on the burpees is to keep moving. You may step over the bar if you are concerned about tripping over the bar.
May 10, 2023
1 – 10 DB thrusters
2 – 50 double unders
3 – 5 Devil press
4 – 15-18 calories
5 – rest
Today’s metcon is a 30 minute EMOM with dumbbell thrusters, double unders, devil press, and calories.
You will use the same weight for the thrusters and devil press. The weight should be light-moderate so that the thrusters and devil press are unbroken throughout the workout.
Double unders should take no longer than :40. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to singles.
The calorie minute will be the most difficult. You should be able to finish these calories in less than a minute. It’s okay to push this minute since you get a rest the following minute.
May 9, 2023
Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1 tempo
In between sets, perform 6 weighted straddle waves with a :10 hold in the bottom position on the last rep.
Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set repeat the same weight next week at try for sets of 6 across.
For the weighted straddle waves, athletes will sit high enough to start with a neutral spine, then fold the head down followed by the upper back one vertebrae at a time. Once you can’t get any lower you will extend back up one vertebrae at a time, with the goal of being able to regain a neutral spine in a lower position before raising back up to the top.
For time
45-55 cal row
15 wall walks
45-55 cal row
30 DB snatches
*15 min time cap*
The workout today has calories, wall walks, and dumbbell snatches. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the reps completed at the 15 minute time cap.
The calories should not take any longer than 3:30 either time. If this pace sounds unsustainable, decrease the calories to 40-45.
Wall walks should be completed at about a pace of 5/minute. You may decrease the number of wall walks to 10-12 or modify the height of the wall walk.
Your dumbbell weight should be heavy. The goal here is to do quick singles or small touch and go sets.