Friday 2023.05.26


Deadlift: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 11×1 tempo

In between, perform 8-10 wall angels


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight next week and try for sets of 6 across.

11×1 means these will be deadstop reps where you will ensure you have created tension by pulling the slack out of the bar at the bottom of each rep. Dropping the bar from lockout will be considered a no rep. However, you do not need to slow the tempo down on the descent. Simply let gravity do the work while you maintain proper posture and a full grip on the bar.



3 kettlebell swings
3 burpee box jump overs
6 kettlebell swings
6 burpee box jump overs


The workout today is an ascending ladder of kettlebell swings and burpee box jump overs. Your score will be the last round you completed plus any reps done in the following round. For example, if you finish the round of 18 and complete 15 kettlebell swings in the round of 21, your score would be 18+15.

Your kettlebell weight should be moderate. The goal is to complete the swings unbroken through the round of 18.

Burpee box jump overs should be done at a pace of about 8-10/minute. If this sounds like an aggressive pace for you to hold across the 12 minutes, consider doing target or normal burpees.




Thursday 2023.05.25


5 rounds for time

18 V-ups
12-15 calories
12 push ups
50 ft forward crawl
50 ft DB front rack lunge between rounds

**30 minute cap**


Today’s workout is V-ups, calories, push ups, crawling and dumbbell front rack walking lunges. Your score is the time it takes you to complete all 5 rounds, or the amount of rounds and reps completed at the 30 minute cap.

The V-ups should be done in no more than 3 sets. You may substitute single leg V-ups, tuck ups, or sit ups.

The calories should take no longer than about a minute. If this pace sounds aggressive, you may decrease the number of calories to 10-12.

Push ups should be done in 1-2 sets. You may elevate your push ups to maintain positional integrity.

The forward crawl should be done unbroken. Keep your knees and hips low so that your torso remains parallel to the ground.

The dumbbell weight should be moderate so that the lunges can be done unbroken, but it is still challenging.





Wednesday 2023.05.24


Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1 tempo

In between sets, perform 6 weighted straddle waves with a :10 hold in the bottom position on the last rep.


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set repeat the same weight next week at try for sets of 6 across.

For the weighted straddle waves, athletes will sit high enough to start with a neutral spine, then fold the head down followed by the upper back one vertebrae at a time. Once you can’t get any lower you will extend back up one vertebrae at a time, with the goal of being able to regain a neutral spine in a lower position before raising back up to the top.



15 burpee box jump overs
10-12 calories
10 power snatch
10-12 calories


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of calories, burpee box jump overs, and power snatches. Your score is the total number of rounds and reps you complete across the 12 minutes.

The burpee box jump overs should take no longer than 1:30. If this sounds aggressive, you may decrease the number of burpee box jump overs to 12 or go to normal burpees.

Power snatches should be light enough so you can keep the snatches unbroken throughout the workout.

Calories should take no longer than about :45. You may decrease the calories to 8-10 if this is an aggressive pace.




Tuesday 2023.05.23


1a. Rower Compression x 8-12 x 3 sets
1b. Banded Hamstring Stretch x 6-8/leg x 2 sets

2a. Weighted Strict Knee Raise x 8-10 x 3 sets
2b. Pike Stretch :30-45 x 2 sets


The rower compression can be scaled by performing with your knees on the rower seat as opposed to your feet.

Only add weight to the strict knee raises if you are able to perform 3 sets of 8-10 strict with only bodyweight.

Elevate your hips to allow for compression in the pike position, if necessary.


3 sets

5 strict dumbbell press
10 toe to bar

1:30 rest between AMRAPs


The metcon today is three AMRAPs of strict dumbbell press and toe to bar. You will rest 90 seconds between AMRAPs. Your score is your rounds and reps from each AMRAP.

The dumbbells should be light-moderate so that you can complete the strict press unbroken across most of the workout. It is okay if you have to break the presses up later in the workout.

Toe to bar should be done in 1-2 sets. You may substitute hanging knee raises, V-ups, or sit ups.





Monday 2023.05.22


Backsquat: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1

In between working sets, 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you are short of 6 reps on any working set, repeat the same weight and try for sets of 6 across.

In between your working sets you will perform 8-10 single arm prone Cuban rotations per side.


5 rounds for time

10-12 calories
20 front rack DB lunges
30 double unders

*13 minute cap*


Today’s workout is calories, dumbbell front rack reverse lunges, and double unders. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the rounds and reps completed at the 13 minute time cap.

Calories should take no longer than :45 or so across the workout. You may decrease the calories to 8-10 if this sounds like an overly aggressive pace.

Dumbbells should be light. The goal is to complete the lunges unbroken across the five rounds.

Double unders should take no more than :25. You may decrease the number of double unders or go to single unders.