Thursday 2023.06.01


4 rounds*

500 m row
15 burpees
15 box jumps
15 KBS

3:00 rest between rounds

* For rounds 1 & 3 you will start with the row and end with the kettlebell swings. For rounds 2 & 4, you will start with the kettlebell swings and end with the row.


Today’s workout is four rounds of rowing, burpees, box jumps, and kettlebell swings. For rounds 1 and 3 you will complete the round in order (row -> burpees -> box jumps -> kettlebell swings). For rounds 2 and 4 you will complete the round in the backwards order (kettlebell swings -> box jumps -> burpees -> row). You will rest 3:00 between rounds. Your score will be your slowest round.

The rowing should not take longer than 2:10. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, decrease the distance to 400 m.

Burpees should take no longer than about a minute. You may decrease the reps to 12 if this does not sound like a sustainable pace.

Box jumps should be done to a height where you will not hesitate, and at a smooth pace. You may step on the box if you want.

Kettlebell swings should be done with a moderate weight and completed unbroken.





Wednesday 2023.05.31


Bench Press: 3-4 sets of 4-6 reps @ 21X1 tempo

In between sets, perform 6 weighted straddle waves with a :10 hold in the bottom position on the last rep.


Perform all working sets at the same weight. Aim for 6 reps on each set. If you are able to achieve that this week, you may increase the weight next week. If you stop short of 6 reps on any working set repeat the same weight next week at try for sets of 6 across.

For the weighted straddle waves, athletes will sit high enough to start with a neutral spine, then fold the head down followed by the upper back one vertebrae at a time. Once you can’t get any lower you will extend back up one vertebrae at a time, with the goal of being able to regain a neutral spine in a lower position before raising back up to the top.



50-60 calories
20 DB squats
20 chest to bar pull ups


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of calories, dumbbell front squats, and chest to bar pull ups. Your score is the rounds and reps completed in the 14 minutes.

Calories should not take any longer than 4:30. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, you can decrease the calories to 45-50.

The dumbbell squats should be done at a moderate weight. You should try to complete them unbroken, and keep in mind that you will only be doing 1-2 sets of squats.

Chest to bar pull ups should be done in 3-4 sets. You may substitute regular pull ups, banded pull ups, or jumping pull ups.




Tuesday 2023.05.30


1a. Rower Compression x 8-12 x 3 sets
1b. Banded Hamstring Stretch x 6-8/leg x 2 sets

2a. Weighted Strict Knee Raise x 8-10 x 3 sets
2b. Pike Stretch :30-45 x 2 sets


The rower compression can be scaled by performing with your knees on the rower seat as opposed to your feet.

Only add weight to the strict knee raises if you are able to perform 3 sets of 8-10 strict with only bodyweight.

Elevate your hips to allow for compression in the pike position, if necessary.


7 rounds for time

14 alternating dumbbell snatch
8 burpee box jump overs

12 min cap


Today’s workout is 7 rounds for time of dumbbell snatches and burpee box jump overs. Your score will be the time it takes to complete the workout or the reps completed at the 12 minute time cap.

Your dumbbell weight should be light, and you should aim to complete the dumbbell snatches unbroken throughout the workout.

The burpee box jump overs should not take any longer than about a minute each round. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, you can decrease the burpee box jump overs to 6-7 reps or substitute 8 target burpees.





Monday 2023.05.28


“Tuder”, Teams of 2

1 mile run (together)
31 push ups (each)

20 rounds, alternate full rounds
3 deadlifts
3 clean & jerks
3 front squats

31 push ups (each)
1 mile run (together)

Sean Tuder was born on December 2, 1987 in Baltimore, Maryland. He grew up in Jacksonville, Florida and moved to Daphne, Alabama in 2015. He joined the Alabama National Guard in the 173rd infantry unit where he earned the rank of specialist. Sean dreamed of going into Special Forces in the Army and becoming a federal agent. He passed away on January 20, 2019.


You and your partner will start the workout by running a mile together. You will then complete 31 push ups each. Both of you may work through your push ups at the same time. You will then complete a total of 20 rounds of deadlifts, clean and jerks, and front squats. You will alternate full rounds with your partner. You will then each complete 31 push ups and finish the workout with another mile run together.

If you and/or your partner think the miles will take longer than 9:30 on either end, consider lowering the mile to 1200 m instead.

The barbell complex weight should be determined by the movement that will limit you the most, which is likely the clean and jerk. You should choose a light moderate weight that you can complete the movements unbroken. For example, you should be able to do the deadlifts unbroken, then the clean and jerks unbroken, and finally the clean and jerks unbroken.











Saturday 2023.05.27


Teams of 2

800 m run (together)
75 wall balls
50 pull ups
50 push ups
600 m run (together)
60 wall balls
36 pull ups
36 push ups
400 m run (together)
45 wall balls
20 pull ups
20 push ups


The team workout will be done in teams of two. The movements except the run will be done opwaat (one person working at a time). Runs will be completed together. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the reps completed at the 30:00 time cap.

Runs should be done at a pace of about 2:15/400 m, which is a 9:00 mile. If this pace sounds aggressive, decrease the runs to 600-400-200 m.

Wall balls should be done at a weight that allows you to switch every 10-15 reps with your partner.

You should switch about every 5-10 reps with your partner on the pull ups. If this does not sound like a sustainable rep scheme across the workout, you may substitute jumping pull ups or banded pull ups.

You can switch every 5-10 reps on the push ups as well. Elevate your push ups as necessary to maintain form.