Thursday 2023.02.23


AMRAP 25:00

14 kettlebell snatches
20 box step ups (unweighted)
20-25 calories


Today’s workout is an AMRAP of ketttlebell snatches, unweighted step ups, and calories. The goal is to get a good sweat so you are prepared for 23.2 tomorrow! Your score will be the number of rounds and reps completed during the 25:00.

The kettlebell snatches should be done at a light weight that allows you to move through them unbroken throughout the AMRAP.

The step ups should be done at a height that allows you to move consistently.

The calories should take no longer than 2:30 and your pace should be an RPE of 6-7.



Wednesday 2023.02.22


Every :90 for 8 rounds

Snatch (pos. 3) + Snatch (pos. 2) + Snatch (pos. 1)


Today’s strength is a snatch complex. You will perform one snatch from Position 3, Position 2, and Position 1. You will perform this complex every :90 for 8 rounds.

It is up to you how you load this. You can build towards a heavy set across the 8 rounds if you want, or you can perform the same submaximal weight for all 6 rounds, or any other format that you think makes sense for you. Try to avoid missing reps though.


2 Rounds for time

10-8-6-4-2 box jump overs
5-4-3-2-1 wall walks

Rest 1:30 between sets

*7 min time cap each round*


Today’s workout 2 sets of a descending ladder of box jump overs and wall walks. You will complete 10 box jump overs followed by 5 wall walks, then 8 box jump overs and 4 wall walks, and continue in this fashion until you complete 2 box jump overs and 1 wall walk. You will rest 1:30 before completing the ladder again. There will be a 7 minute cap on each ladder. Your score is the total time it takes to complete, including the rest.

The box jump overs should be done at a height that you feel confident with throughout the workout.

You should be able to move through the wall walks at a pace of about 5/minute. If this sounds too aggressive, decrease the wall walk reps. For example, you could go 4-4-3-2-1 or 4-3-3-2-1.



Tuesday 2023.02.21


3 Rounds not for time

Strict Handstand Push Up @ 30×1 x 3-5 reps
Weighted Ring Row x 8-10 reps
Maltese Raise x 8-10 reps


Handstand Push Up Variations:
Weighted Ring Row:
Maltese Raise:


30-40 calories
10 power cleans
30 burpees over the bar
10 power cleans
30-40 calories

*13 minute cap*


Today’s workout is a pyramid chipper of calories, power cleans, and burpees over the bar. Your score is the time it takes to complete the workout or the number of reps you’ve completed by the 13 minute cap.

The calories should take no longer than 2:30 on either end. You may decrease the calories as necessary.

The power cleans should be moderately heavy so that you are performing quick singles at a pace of a rep every :08-:10.

Burpees over the bar should take no longer than three minutes. You may decrease the number of burpees as necessary.



Monday 2023.02.20


Deadlift @ 20X1

4 sets of 8-10 reps with :90 of active rest between sets


Today’s strength is deadlifts. You will complete 4 working sets of 8-10 reps. Every rep will be performed touch-and-go style. This means you will have a :02 negative, a light tap against the ground before exploding up, and :01 pause at lockout. You will use the same weight for all working sets. The goal is to complete 10 reps at the prescribed tempo for all 4 working sets. If you accomplish that, the following week you will use a slightly heavier weight. Here is an example of how this could look in practice:

Week 1: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×9
Week 2: 100×10, 100×10, 100×10, 100×10
Week 3: 105×10, 105×10, 105×10, 105×10
Week 4: 110×9, 110×9, 110×9, 110×9

The time between sets will also be controlled. We will take :90 seconds of active rest between sets. To make the rest active, simply walk around the room or bike at an easy pace for :90 seconds until it is time for you to lift again. If you are partnered with someone using a different weight, you can count the time it takes to change weights toward your active rest.



1 – 12-15 calories
2 – 15 wall balls
3 – 20 ab mat sit ups
4 – 50 double unders


Today’s metcon is an EMOM. It will last 16 minutes and you will complete 4 total rounds of calories, wall balls, ab mat sit ups, and double unders.

The calories should be completed in no more than :45. Adjust the number of calories as necessary.

Choose a weight for your wall balls that allows you stay unbroken throughout the EMOM.

The ab mat sit ups should be done at a steady pace with no breaks. Keep in mind this will be 80 ab-mat sit ups in total. If this sounds like an aggresive amount, decrease the number of sit ups per round to 12-15.

Double unders should take no longer than :40. You can either decrease the number of double unders or do single unders.




Saturday 2023.02.18


Teams of 3, one person on the machine, two people working on the chipper

*150-180 calories*
90 goblet squat with the DB
90 box step overs
90 single arm DB thrusters
90 burpees over the DB

*30 min cap*


Today’s team workout is calories and a chipper of goblet squats, toe to bar, single arm DB thrusters, and burpees over the DB. One person will be on the machine at all times, while the other two teammates will be working through the chipper, opwaat (one person working at a time) style.

You may rotate on the machine as much as you want, and split the chipper however you’d like. If your team finishes the calories before the chipper, all three may move to work on the chipper. If your team finishes the chipper before the calories, all three may move to work through the calories (though you will do so by rotating on and off the machine).

The DB weight should be light-moderate so that you can do sets 10 or more for the goblet squat and sets of of 8-10 for the DB thrusters. Be sure to do an even amount of thrusters one each arm. So if you do sets of 10, perform 5 on the right and 5 on the left. The DB box step overs should be done in small sets of about 5 reps. You may hold the DB however you want.