Wednesday 2022.07.20


Front Squat

  • Build to a heavy set of 2 stopping at an RPE 9.
  • Perform 2 sets of 1 rep at that weight.


Today’s strength is front squats. You will begin by building to a heavy set of 2 reps stopping at a rate of perceived exertion of 9. You will then perform 2 sets of 1 rep at that same weight.

Take as many sets as needed to build to your heavy set of 2. You want to stop short of failure. The RPE 9 means that it should feel very heavy, but you have a little more room in the tank. Don’t push to failure.


4 Rounds for time:

  • 16 Toes to Bar
  • 96 Double Unders
  • 8 Squat Cleans

14:00 time cap


Today’s workout is 4 rounds of toes to bar, double unders, and squat cleans. Your score is the time to complete 4 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 14-minute time cap.

The toes to bar should be completed in no more than 3 sets each round. Substitute knee raises or sit ups as needed.

The double unders should take no more than 1:30 each round. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

The squat cleans should be heavy. One rep every :06-:08 would be a good pace.

Tuesday 2022.07.19


3 Rounds

  • :30 of Dips @ 20X1
  • :30 Rest
  • :30 of Strict Pull Ups @ 20X1
  • 2:00 Rest


Today’s strength is dips and pull ups. You will complete :30 of dips at a tempo, then rest :30 before completing :30 of strict pull ups at a tempo. Keep track of the number of reps you complete each round.

If you can maintain the tempo for the entire time domain, you can make the dips more challenging by either adding weight or moving to the rings. If you cannot maintain the tempo consider adding band assistance or a self spot.

If you can maintain the tempo for the time domain, add weight to the pull ups. If you cannot maintain the tempo, add band assistance or substitute ring rows.


3 Rounds

  • :20/side Seesaw Hold
  • 2-3/direction/side Single Arm Hang Rotations w/ Feet assist


The second part of our strength work today is focused on overhead stability and mobility. You will alternate between the two exercises for 3 working sets.

Seesaw Hold  The priority is maintaining a full lockout of the elbow with the kettlebell directly overhead. Adjust the weight accordingly.

Single Arm Hang Rotations with feet assist  Start with a lot of help from your legs and gently stretch. As you get comfortable with the range of motion, gradually increase the amount of weight you support with the hanging arm.


For Max Reps, Working 40 sec on; 20 sec Rest x 3 times through:

  • Station 1 – Calories
  • Station 2 – DB Push Press
  • Station 3 – Box Jump Overs step down
  • Station 4 – Hand Release Push-Ups


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of :40 of work and :20 of rest at 4 different stations. Your score is the total number of reps completed at each station across all 3 rounds. You can keep a running tally or simply right the number down during the :20 rest between stations.

Work at a moderate-hard pace on the calories, but try to stay consistent across all 3 rounds.

Use a light set of dumbbells that allows you to work for the :40 with only 1 quick break.

Stay consistent and safe on the box jump overs. Step down each rep.

If you cannot maintain good positions during the hand-release push ups, elevate your hands on a bench or box and perform regular push ups.

Monday 2022.07.18


Complete 5 Rounds for time:

  • 400-500m Row or 800-1000m Bike
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (2 dumbbells farmer’s carry)
  • 15 Wall Balls

25min time cap


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of rowing or biking, air squats, step ups, and wall balls. Your score is the time to complete 5 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 25-minute time cap.

The row or bike should take no longer than 2-minutes. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Be sure to move smoothly and through a full range of motion every rep of the air squats.

The step ups should be at a moderate weight that allows you to complete the 10 reps unbroken each round. You must hold the dumbbells in a farmer’s carry.

The wall balls should be at a weight that allows you to complete 15 reps unbroken all 5 rounds.

Saturday 2022.07.16


In a team of 3, complete 5 Rounds for time:

  • 500m Row or 1000m Bike (on two machines)
  • 15 Thrusters each (relay style)
  • 200m Run (together)

30:00 time cap


Today’s workout is done in a team of 3. You start with 2 team members working at the same time on a rower or bike. You may rotate on and off the machines as needed until both monitors read 500m or 1000m. Then each team member will complete 15 thrusters unbroken with one person working at a time. Then the team will run 200m together. That is one round. Your score is the time to complete 5 rounds.

The row or bike should take no longer than 2-minutes to complete. Adjust the target distance accordingly.

The thrusters should be light. You should be able to complete 15 reps unbroken all 5 rounds.

The runs should take no longer than 1:15. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Friday 2022.07.15


Bench Press @ 21X1

  • x 3-4 x 4 sets


Today’s strength is bench press. You will complete 4 working sets of 3-4 reps. Each rep is performed with a :02 descent, :01 pause on the chest, and :01 pause at lockout. You can build throughout the 4 working sets, but all 4 working sets should be within 20% of your top load.

Aim for the top end of the rep range each set. If you can maintain the tempo for all 4 reps, add weight.


10 Rounds for time:

  • 6 Kettlebell Snatch (alternate arms each round)
  • 8 Box Jump Over (step down)
  • 8-10 Calories

15:00 time cap


Today’s workout is 10 rounds of kettlebell snatch, box jump overs, and calories. Your score is the time to complete 10 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 15-minute time cap.

The kettlebell should be a moderate weight that allows you to complete 6 reps unbroken every round. The odd number rounds will be performed with your right arm and the even number rounds will be performed with your left arm.

The box jump overs should take no longer than :40 each round. Adjust the box height accordingly. You must step down from the box each rep.

The calories should never take longer than :45. Adjust the target number accordingly.