Thursday 2022.03.03


Back Squat

  • Build to a heavy single with a :10 descent.


Today we will be building up to a heavy tempo back squat. The rep will be performed with a :10 negative. Be sure to keep the descent a consistent speed so that at the end of the :10 you are in the bottom of the squat.

You can take as many sets as needed to build in weight to your heavy single. As you are building, pay attention to the speed with which you stand up. If you hit a sticking point and have to grind through the rep, stop there you have found your heavy single. No failed reps today.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 15:00:

  • 10 Dumbbell Box Step Ups
  • 10 Toes to Bar
  • 50 Double Unders


Today’s workout is 15-minutes of step ups, toes to bar, and double unders. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

You may hold the dumbbell however you want. Choose a light-moderate weight that allows you to move continuously and unbroken throughout the workout.

The toes to bar should be done in no more than 2 sets. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.

The double unders should be completed in under :40. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

Wednesday 2022.03.02


Every 1:15 for 8 rounds:

  • 1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch w/ :02 pause in receiving position


Today’s strength is a snatch complex. You will complete 1 snatch high pull and 1 power snatch with a pause at the top of every 1:15 for 8 rounds. You may build in weight throughout the 8 rounds or stay at the same weight.

Focus on hitting your positions and a vertical drive through the high pull. Then, aim to make your pull during the power snatch look just like the high pull. Pause :02 when you receive the bar overhead. Focus on your footwork and a solid overhead position during the pause.


Every 2:00 for 5 sets:

  • 5 Clean and jerks
  • 7 Burpee box jump overs


Today’s workout is 5 rounds of clean and jerks and burpee box jump overs. You will begin a new round at the top of every 2-minutes. Your score is the time to complete each round.

Choose a moderate weight for the clean and jerks. Either quick singles or a tough set of touch and go reps would be appropriate.

The burpees should take no longer than :45 to complete. If that is easy for you, use a higher box. If that time domain is challenging, either adjust the reps or lower box height.