Friday 2022.02.11



  • x 8 x 3 @ RPE 7


Today is deadlift day. You will take 4-6 warm up sets to build to a weight that you can manage for 3 sets of 8. The first set should leave you feeling like you could have done a few more reps. Use that weight for all 3 sets and take 2-3 minutes rest between sets. Aim to use about 3-5% more weight than last week.

Each rep should be performed with a :01 pause at lockout, controlled lower, and very light tap on the ground between reps.


Every 6:00 for 3 rounds:

  • 8 Sandbag over the Shoulder
  • 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 12-15 Calories

4:00 time cap each round


Today’s workout is 3 rounds of sandbag cleans, burpee box jump overs, and calories. Your score is the sum total time from all 3 rounds.

Use a heavy sandbag, but be sure to complete the 8 reps in no more than 1:30.

The burpees should also take no longer than 1:30. Adjust the number of reps and/or box height as needed.

The calories should not take longer than 1:00. Adjust the target number accordingly.

In a big class, we will be running heats so that everyone has access to the sandbag weight they need. A new heat will begin every 2:00, which should give enough separation, so that there is no bottleneck on any piece of equipment.

Thursday 2022.02.10


3 Sets

  • 8-10 Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press @ 31X0
  • 4-6/side PVC Wrist Rotations
  • 8-10/side Sidelying Dumbbell External Rotation
  • :20 Assisted Eagle Grip Hang


Today we are focusing on upper body strength and mobility. You will alternate between four exercises for 3 working sets.

Neutral Grip Dumbbell Bench Press The neutral grip will keep the elbows tracking a little closer to the body. Perform each rep with a :03 lower, :01 pause at the bottom, and no pause between reps. Get all 10 reps at the tempo before considering adding weight.

PVC Wrist Rotations Move slow and controlled through this range of motion. Make sure the movement is coming from the wrist and forearms and not the shoulder.

Sidelying External Rotation Keep the elbow at your side the whole time and make sure you are just rotating from the shoulder.

Assisted Eagle Grip Hang Keep your feet on the ground or on a box for assistance here. Your feet will help you moderate how intense you want to make this stretch. Don’t push it too hard. Be gentle as this is most likely a new position for you.


Complete for time

2 rounds of:

  • 14 Single Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (7/side)
  • 21 Toes to Bar
  • 42 Double Unders

then 2 rounds of:

  • 14 Single Dumbbell Thrusters (7/side)
  • 21 Pull Ups
  • 42 Double Unders

14:00 time cap


Today’s workout is two back to back triplets. You will complete two rounds of each triplet. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 14-minute time cap.

Use a light weight dumbbell that allows you to complete the hang squat cleans and thrusters unbroken.

Aim to complete the toes to bar in no more than 4 sets. Adjust the number of reps or substitute knee raises or sit ups.

The double unders should take no more than :30 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.

The pull ups should also be completed in no more than 4 sets. Adjust the number of reps or subsitute jumping pull ups, banded pull ups, or ring rows.

Wednesday 2022.02.09


Take 15-minutes to work on the following complex:

  • Clean (pos.1) + Clean (pos.2) + Clean (pos.3) + Jerk


You will have 15-minutes to work on the clean complex. You will perform a clean from position 1, then position 2, then position 3, then perform a jerk (split or push). You may build in weight or choose a weight and perform a few sets at that weight.

Be sure to pass through a full squat each clean. If you do not feel confident with cleans from position 2 or 3, feel free to simplify it to position 1 for all 3 reps.

Keep your footwork consistent on the jerks. Be sure to receive the bar with elbows locked and in a balanced position.


For time:

  • 12-10-8-6-4-2 Overhead Squats
  • 12-15 Calories after each set of clean and jerks

12:00 time cap


Today’s workout is a simple couplet of overhead squats and calories. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.

Use a heavy weight for the overhead squats. The goal should be to complete each round unbroken, but the rep scheme is relatively low, so challenge yourself. You can either snatch the first rep or do a clean, bring it to your back rack, jerk from the back rack, then begin your squats.

The calories should take no more than 1-minute each round. Adjust the target number accordingly.

Tuesday 2022.02.08


Perform 2 sets of

  • 10 Ring Swings

Then perform 3-4 Sets of:

  • # Ring Muscle Up
  • 3-5 Swinging Horizontal Ring Row
  • 5 Ring Swings
  • 3-5 Swinging Ring Pull Up


The skill portion of our ring muscle up day begins with 2 sets of 10 ring swings. Once you have completed that, you will perform 3 sets of another skill of your choice.

Ring Swings Focus on creating a tight hollow and arch. Keep pressure back on the rings in your hollow and forward on the rings in your arch.

If you have ring muscle ups, pick a number that allows you to maintain good positions and perform 3-4 sets.

Swinging Horizontal Ring Row If you have a good ring swing and want to learn to generate power to bring you up and over the rings, this is a good drill. Use the momentum as you swing from your arch to your hollow, pop the hip but maintain full body tension, and pull the rings towards your hips.

Swinging Ring Pull Up If you want to practice a fun drill that helps you understand the rhythm of the swing and how to maintain body tension, this is a good drill.


2-3 Sets

  • 3-5 Hanging Turnover Drill or :15 False Grip High Pull Hold
  • 3-5 Ring Dips or Stationary Dips @ 2111
  • 2-3/arm Mixed Grip Chin Up or Ring Row @3011


Part 2 of today’s muscle up work is 2-3 sets of 3 different exercises. Take 8-10 minutes to rotate through the 2 rounds at an easy pace.

Hanging Turnover Drill Move slow and controlled through these reps. This can be adjusted by keeping your feet on the ground and self-spotting. If you want to simply work on the strength required to do a deep pull up with a false grip, you can work the False Grip High Pull Hold.

If you can maintain the tempo for all reps of a stationary dip, advance to the ring dips. Otherwise, you can use band assistance or self-spot the stationary dips.

Mixed Grip Chin Up This can be performed as a chin up or as a ring row. Rotate one hand from pronated to supinated as you pull. Hold the top for :01 and control the lower for :03.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8:00:

  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 4 Dumbbell Clean and Jerks
  • 8 Box Jump Overs


Today’s workout is a triplet of wall walks, dumbbell clean and jerks, and box jump overs. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed in 8-minutes.

The wall walks should take no longer than :30. Adjust the number of reps or target height as needed.

Choose a moderate set of dumbbells so that you can move through the 4 reps unbroken each round. It is only 4 reps, so don’t go too light. Remember, with two dumbbells, only one head of the dumbbell has to touch the ground between reps.

Choose a box height that allows you to move smoothly and safely through the 8 reps each round.

Monday 2022.02.07


3 Sets

  • 5-7/side Kickstand Romanian Deadlifts @ 3011
  • 4-6/side Half Kneeling Adductor Dips w/ pause at end range
  • 8-10/side Single Leg Calf Raise


Today is a lower body strength and mobility day. You will rotate through three exercises for 3 working sets. Take your time moving through each exercise.

Kickstand Romanian Deadlift Focus on hinging at the hips and feel a stretch in the hamstring of your front leg. The back leg is simply planted for balance. Move through as long a range of motion as your hamstrings allow. Get all 6 reps at the tempo of :03 lower, :01 up, :01 pause between reps. If your tempo is perfect for all 6 reps, add weight.

Half Kneeling Adductor Dips Move gently through this stretch. The knee that is on the ground is getting a big stretch in the adductor. Focus on tracking the other knee over the toes of the foot that is planted. Pause at the end range of that stretch. You can add weight by holding a kettlebell in a goblet hold.

Single Leg Calf Raise. Let the weight help stretch the calves at the bottom. Move slow and controlled through the entire range of motion.


For time:

  • 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Wall Balls
  • 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Burpees over the Bar
  • 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Power Cleans

16:00 time cap


Our workout today is a triplet of wall balls, burpees, and power cleans. Your score is the time to complete all 84 wall balls, burpees, and 28 power cleans or the number of reps completed under the 15-minute time cap.

Choose a light wall ball that allows you to complete each set unbroken.

If you can’t maintain a pace of at least 12 burpees per minute, consider adjusting the rep scheme to 14-12-10-8-6-4-2.

Use a moderate weight for the power cleans. Quick singles would be a good strategy.