Jan 13, 2022
Clean and Jerk
Take 15:00 to build to an RPE of 7-8 and complete 6 total lifts at that weight.
Our strength today is clean and jerks. You will have 15-minutes to warm up to a weight that is a rate of perceived exertion of 7-8/10. You will complete 6 total lifts at that weight. You may rest as needed between lifts. If you were here last week, this week’s weight should be about 5% more than last week.
The clean will be taken from the floor and you will pass through a full squat. If you feel like you are out of position, you may take the lift from position 1 or 2.
If you are comfortable with the split jerk, go for it. If not, you may perform a push jerk. Focus on a controlled dip, explosive drive, then receive the bar overhead with elbows locked out.
Every 2:00 for 6 rounds:
- 12 Ground to Overhead
- 6 Box Jumps
Today’s workout is focused on practicing the ground to overhead movement we saw in last week’s benchmark workout. You will complete a new round every 2:00. Your score is the sum total time from all 6 rounds.
The ground to overhead weight should be the same as the one you used in last week’s benchmark workout. If you weren’t here, choose a light weight that allows you to complete the 12 reps in under :40.
Challenge yourself to go a little higher on the box jumps today. But remember, safety is the priority. Don’t jump unless you are confident you will safely make it on top.
Jan 12, 2022
4 Sets
- 3-5/arm Alternating False Grip Archer Ring Row @ 2011
- 5-7 Stationary Dips @ 2111
Our strength today is focused on upper body pushing and pulling. You will alternate between the two exercises for 4 working sets.
Alternating Arm False Grip Archer Ring Row. Stick to the tempo and get all the reps, then make the angle harder. This movement is adjusted just like a normal ring row. The closer you are to horizontal, the harder the exercise.
Stationary Dips. Get all the reps at the tempo, then add weight. Use your feet or a light band for a spot. Prioritize as long of a range of motion as possible.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00:
- 1 Bar Muscle Up or 2 Pull Ups
- 8-10 Calories
- 2 Bar Muscle Ups or 4 Pull Ups
- 8-10 Calories
- 3 Bar Muscle Ups or 6 Pull Ups
- 8-10 Calories
… continue to add 1 bar muscle up or 2 pull ups every round.
Today’s workout is a couplet of bar muscle ups or pull ups and calories. If you are doing bar muscle ups, you will begin with 1 rep and add 1 rep every round. If you are doing pull ups, you will begin with 2 reps and add 2 reps every round.
If you cannot complete at least 5 bar muscle ups in a row, consider adding a rep every other round instead of every round.
If you are doing pull ups, choose a variation that allows you to complete at least 8 reps unbroken. You may substitute banded pull ups, jumping pull ups, or ring rows.
The calories should take no longer than :45. Adjust the target number accordingly.
Jan 11, 2022
3 Sets
- 10-12 Hack Squats w/ foam roller
- 3/side Hip Airplanes
- 5/side Alternating Cossack Squats
- 3 Jefferson Curls w/ :10 negative
Our strength today involves four exercises that target lower body strength and mobility. You will rotate through the 4 exercises for 3 rounds, resting as needed between each exercise.
Hack Squats w/ foam roller. Move through a full range of motion. Get all 12 reps first, then add weight.
Hip airplanes. If you struggle to hold your balance, hold on to the rig and focus on moving through as big a range of motion as possible while showing control. Move slowly here.
Cossack Squat. Focus on a deep range of motion. If you can sit comfortably into the bottom of the squat, then add weight.
Jefferson Curls. Use a very light weight here. If you have a history of back issues, considering substituting a banded hamstring stretch for :30 on each leg.
4 Rounds
Complete as many rounds as possible in 2:00:
- 20m Goblet Hold Walking Lunge
- 2 Wall Walks
- 10 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 2:00
Today’s workout is 4 rounds of 2-minutes of work with 2-minutes of rest. Your score is the sum total number of rounds and reps from all 4 rounds.
The kettlebell weight should allow you to complete the lunge and the swings unbroken. Maintain a soft touch of the knee each step. And the swings should feel light-moderate.
The wall walks should not take longer than :20 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or target height.
Jan 10, 2022
3 Sets
- 4-6/side Shoulder taps in a plank, pike or handstand
- 3-5 Sternum Chin Ups @ 21X1
3 Sets
- 4-6 Handstand Shoulder Rocks (handstand or box)
- 3-5/arm Single Arm Ring Row
Our strength today is two parts. First, you will alternate between handstand shoulder touches and sternum chin ups. When you have completed 3 sets of those two exercises, you will move on to alternating between handstand shoulder rock and single arm ring rows for 3 sets.
Shoulder touches. In order to perform these back to wall and still maintain a good handstand position, your hands must be close the wall and shoulders open. If you cannot hold a good handstand position back to wall, perform these with your chest facing the wall. You may also perform these in a pike position with your feet on a box or in a plank position.
Sternum Chin Up. The hardest part is getting your sternum to touch the bar. If you cannot, place your feet on a box and give yourself a spot.
Handstand Shoulder Rocks. If you struggle to keep a tight lower body and isolate the movement to the shoulders, perform these in a [pike position on the box](https://youtu.be/Tb7hMSm6zr4).
Single Arm Ring Row. Just like a ring row, the more horizontal you orient yourself, the harder the ring row is.
Every minute on the minute for 12:00
- Minute 1 – 4 burpees + 4 Double Dumbbell devil press
- Minute 2 – 4 burpees + 8 Double Dumbbell hang squat cleans
- Minute 3 – 4 burpees + 12 Alternating Dumbbell hang snatch
Today’s workout is 12-minutes of burpees and devil press, dumbbell hang squat cleans, and hang snatch. Each minute begins with a buy in of 4 burpees, then followed by a dumbbell exercise. You will begin a new station at the top of every minute.
The burpees should never take more than :16 to complete.
The dumbbell weight will be determined by the movement that is the most challenging for you. You want to do each dumbbell movement unbroken. It should be a light-moderate weight.
Jan 9, 2022
Back Squat
Our strength today is back squat. We will be performing 4 sets of 4 reps at the same weight across all sets. Take 4-6 warm up sets to build to a weight that feels like a 7/10 rate of perceived exertion. You will then use that weight for all working sets. Aim to use about 5-10% more weight than last week’s sets of 5.
There is no tempo restriction this month, but you should still focus on controlling the descent, keeping tension in the bottom position, and staying balanced throughout the lift.
Every 3:00 for 6 rounds:
- 9-12 Calories
- 50 Double Unders
- 12 Dumbbell Thrusters
Today’s workout is 6 rounds of calories, double unders, and dumbbell thrusters. You will begin a new round every 3-minutes. Your score is the sum total time from all 6 rounds.
The calories should take no longer than :45. Adjust the target calories accordingly.
The double unders should take no longer than :40. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders.
Choose a set of light dumbbells for the thrusters, so that you can maintain unbroken sets of 12 every round.