Wednesday 2021.10.20


Every 5:00 for 2 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 8 Sandbag to Shoulder

Move immediately into every 5:00 for 2 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 16-20 Calorie Bike

Move immediately into every 5:00 for 2 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 30 Wall Balls


We have 6 intervals of a run and either sandbag cleans, calorie bike, or wall balls. You will complete each couplet twice and your score is the sum total time from all 6 intervals.

The runs should never take longer than 2:30 to complete. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Choose a sandbag weight that allows you to complete the 8 reps in under 1-minute. If there is not a sandbag of an appropriate weight, substitute a barbell power clean.

Choose a target number of calories that you can finish in under 1-minute at a sustainable pace.

Choose a wall ball weight that allows you to complete the 30 reps in a row both rounds.

In a bigger class, your coach will break you up into groups and you will all start on different stations since we do not have enough sandbags for everyone to use at once.

Tuesday 2021.10.19


Part 1:

Complete 4 sets of 3-5 reps @ 31X1 tempo of one of the variations of handstand push up.

Part 2:

Complete 3 Sets of:

  • 5-7 Push Ups (ring, pseudo planche, or regular) @ 2111
  • 5-7 Strict Pull Ups (ring, bar, or ring row) @ 2011


We are working on our strict handstand push ups this month. You will begin by choosing an exercise from this progression and completing 3 sets with a tempo on every rep.

Part 2 involves three sets of an easier push/pull exercise.


For time:

  • 21 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 12 Bar Muscle Ups or 21 Pull Ups
  • 15 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 9 Bar Muscle Ups or 15 Pull Ups
  • 9 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 6 Bar Muscle Ups or 9 Pull Ups

12:00 time cap


Our workout today is a couplet of shoulder to overhead and bar muscle ups or pull ups. Your score is the time to complete all the prescribed reps or the number of reps completed under the 12-minute time cap.

Use a light-moderate weight on the shoulder to overhead and aim to complete each round in 1-2 sets.

Aim to finish the bar muscle ups or pull ups in 2-3 sets each round. You may adjust the rep scheme or substitute a pulling variation that allows you to maintain the desired stimulus.

Monday 2021.10.18


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 Slow Clean Pull + 1 Clean


Today’s strength is cleans. At the top of every minute for 10-minutes, you will complete 1 slow clean pull and 1 clean. You may build in weight throughout the 10 rounds or remain at the same weight across.

The slow clean pull will allow you to focus on maintaining your balance and positions through vertical extension. Make sure you hit your positions during the clean that you practiced during the slow clean pull. The bar path should look the same.


Complete as many reps as possible in 18:00:

  • 10 Calories*
  • 10 Wallballs*
  • 10 Single Dumbbell Step-overs *
  • 90 Double-unders

Start with 10 reps, and increase by 10 each round on every movement but the double-unders.


We have an 18-minute workout of calories, wall balls, step overs, and double unders. You will begin with 10 calories, wall balls, step overs, and 90 double unders. The next round, you will complete 20 calories, wall balls, step overs, and 90 double unders. Continue to add 10 reps to the calories, wall balls, and step overs each round.

If you cannot maintain a pace of at least 10/minute on the calories, start with 7 calories and add 7 each round.

Choose a wall ball that allows you to complete at least 20 reps unbroken.

You may hold the dumbbell however you want. Choose a weight and box height that allows you to complete at least 20 reps without putting the dumbbell down.

Don’t let the double unders take longer than 1:30. Adjust the number of reps or substitute single unders, if needed.

Saturday 2021.10.16


Working in teams of 4, complete for time:

  • 20 sets of 300m Run
  • 20 sets of 15 unbroken kettlebell swings
  • 20 sets of 30 unbroken double unders
  • 20 sets of 15 unbroken push ups

All four athletes may be working at the same time. But only one athlete may be at a station at a time.

35:00 time cap


Our workout today will be completed in a team of 4. Your team has to complete twenty 300m runs, twenty sets of 15 swings, twenty sets of 30 double unders, and twenty sets of 15 push ups. All four athletes may be working at the same time. But only one person may be working on each exercise at the same time. In other words, one person will be running, one will swing, one will jump rope, and one will do push ups at the same time.

You may complete the work in whatever order you choose. For example, because the push ups and jump rope will take less time than the run, you may alternate back and forth there while waiting for one person to complete the run. So you will probably finish twenty sets of push ups and double unders before you finish the run. Once that happens, you will get more rest and will be able to push the pace harder on the other stations.

The runs should take around 1:30 or less. Adjust the distance accordingly.

Choose a moderate-heavy kettlebell weight that allows you to maintain unbroken sets of 15.

If you cannot maintain unbroken sets of 30 double unders, choose a number of single unders or double unders that you can maintain unbroken sets.

If you need assistance to maintain unbroken sets of push ups, perform them with your hands elevated on a box.

Friday 2021.10.15


Front Squat @ 32X1

  • Build to a heavy set of 2-3
  • Drop 15% and do 2 sets of 2-3


Today’s strength is front squats. Each rep will be performed with a :03 descent, :02 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps.

You will begin by building up to a heavy set of 2-3 reps. After you have found your heavy set, you will take 15% off the bar and do 2 more sets of 2-3 reps at the same tempo.

Let the tempo dictate where you stop as you build up to your heavy set. If you cannot maintain the tempo after that 2nd rep, don’t try for the 3rd rep. Just rack the bar as you have found your heavy set for the day.


In 8:00 complete 4 Rounds of:

  • 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 8 Dumbbell Snatches
  • 8 Single Arm DB Thrusters

If all work is completed beneath the 8 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 8 minute mark, then complete…

In 7:00 complete 4 Rounds of:

  • 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 8 Dumbbell Snatches
  • 8 Single Arm DB Thrusters

If all work is completed beneath the 7 minute cap, rest the remainder and wait until the 15 minute mark, then complete…

In 6:00 complete 4 Rounds of:

  • 8 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 8 Dumbbell Snatches
  • 8 Single Arm DB Thrusters


Today’s conditioning is a triplet of burpee box jump overs, dumbbell snatches, and single arm thrusters. Your score is the time to complete 12 rounds or the total number of rounds and reps completed within the given time frames.

You will begin by completing 4 rounds of 8 reps each under the 8-minute time cap. If you complete the 4 rounds, you will rest until the 8-minute mark, then complete another 4 rounds. If you did not complete 4 rounds, the workout is over and your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

At the 8-minute mark, you will have until the 15-minute mark to complete another 4 rounds. If you did not complete the second set of 4 rounds, the workout is over and your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

At the 15-minute mark you will have 6-minutes to complete another 4 rounds. If you finish the 4 rounds, your score is the total time to complete all 12 rounds. If you hit the 21-minute mark, your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The burpee box jump overs should never take longer than :45. Adjust the number of reps or box height as needed.

The dumbbell snatches should be at a moderate weight. The goal should be to complete the 8 reps unbroken throughout the workout.

The thrusters should be done with the same weight you use for your snatches. You may switch arms whenever you want. Always aim to complete the 8 reps unbroken.