Thursday 2021.05.20


5 Sets

  • 3 Shoulder Press
  • 8 Dumbbell Rows per arm


Today’s strength is press and dumbbell rows. You will alternate between the two exercises and complete 5 sets of each. You may take about 1-minute rest between each exercise.

Take 3-5 warm up sets to build to a weight on the press that feels like a 7/10 difficulty. This means when you finish your first set, you will feel like you could have completed a few more reps. You will use this weight for all 5 sets.

Use a heavy dumbbell that allows you to complete 8 reps with a full range of motion on each arm for the rows.


5 Rounds

  • 15 Push Press
  • 200m Run
  • 20 Air Squats
  • 200m Run

Rest 1:00 between rounds

19:00 time cap including rest


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of push press, running, air squats, and more running with 1-minute rest between rounds. Your score is the total time to complete the 5 rounds including the rest. If you reach the 19-minute time cap, your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The push press should be at a moderate weight. The goal should be to complete the 15 reps unbroken throughout the workout. But because there is a 1-minute rest between rounds, you can use a slightly heavier weight than if it were 5 rounds in a row.

The runs should take no longer than 1-minute to complete each time throughout the workout. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The air squats should be done quickly, but be care to move through a full range of motion each rep.

Wednesday 2021.05.19


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • Power Snatch with :02 pause at position 2 and :01 pause in receiving position


Today’s strength is power snatches. You will perform 1 rep with a :02 pause at position 2 at the top of each minute for 10-minutes. You will pause for :01 when you receive the bar overhead each rep.

Focus on keeping your weight centered in your feet as you drive up to position 2, keeping your shoulders over the bar and tension in the hamstrings during the pause. Then drive vertically through position 1 and extension.


Every minute on the minute for 12:00:

  • Minute 1: 5 Hang Power Cleans + 5-7 Burpees over the Bar
  • Minute 2: 10-15 Calories


Today’s conditioning is 12 minutes of cleans, burpees, and calories. You will complete 5 hang power cleans and 5-7 burpees over the bar at the top of the first minute, then rest until the top of the next minute where you will complete 10-15 calories. You will continue this pattern for 6 rounds. The score you will enter in SugarWOD is the load used for the hang power cleans.

Choose a moderate-heavy weight for the hang power cleans, but make sure you can always complete 5 unbroken.

The burpees should take no longer than :20 to complete. Adjust the number of reps to stay within that time domain.

The calories should be performed at a hard but sustainable pace. Don’t spend more than :45 working on your machine.

Tuesday 2021.05.18


Every 5:00 for 6 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 15 Toes to Bar


Today’s conditioning is 6 rounds of running, wall walks, and toes to bar. You will start a new round at the top of every 5-minutes. Your score is the sum total time from all 6 rounds.

The run should take no longer than 2:00 to complete each round. Adjust the distance if you cannot sustain that pace.

The wall walks should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or the target height if you can’t complete the 5 reps in under 90 seconds.

The toes to bar should be completed in 2-3 sets. Substitute knee raises or sit ups as needed.

Monday 2021.05.17


Back Squat tempo + regular

  • x 4 x 5 sets

First rep is :03 down and :03 pause
Following reps have no tempo restriction


Today’s strength is back squats. You will perform 5 sets of 4 reps at the same weight for all 5 sets. The first rep is performed with a :03 descent and :03 pause in the bottom. The next three reps do not have a tempo restriction. If you were here for last week’s sets of 3, aim to use the same weight.

During the first rep, focus on a consistent descent and sitting as deep as you safely can during the pause. Then, hit the same depth on the next three reps.


For time:

  • 25 Single Arm Devil Press
  • 50 Wall Balls
  • 80-100 Calories
  • 50 Wall Balls
  • 25 Single Arm Devil Press

20-minute time cap


Today’s conditioning is a chipper. Your score is the time to complete the prescribed work or the number of reps completed under the 20-minute time cap.

The devil press should be done with a light weight that allows you to move through the 25 reps with no more than 1 break.

The wall balls should also be done with a light weight that allows you to complete the 50 reps in no more than 3 sets each round.

The calories should take no longer than 8-minutes to complete. Lower the target number if you think you will take longer than 8-minutes.

Saturday 2021.05.15


With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 10 rounds each of:

  • 200m Run
  • 7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
  • 7 Front Squats
  • 7 Push Ups

30min time cap


Today’s conditioning is to be done with a partner. You and your partner will alternate full rounds of a 200m run, 7 pull ups, 7 squats, and 7 push ups until you have each completed 10 rounds or reached the 30minute time cap.

The runs should be at a fast, but sustainable, pace. If 200m is going to take longer than 1-minute, cut the distance to 150m.

The pull ups should be unbroken throughout the workout. Substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows if needed.

The front squats should be light and fast. Choose a weight that you can pick up without hesitation and complete 7 reps quickly.

The push ups should be completed unbroken throughout the workout. If you cannot maintain sets of 7 with your hands on the ground, perform them with your hands on a box.