Tuesday 2020.12.15


Push Press

  • x 6 x 3 sets


Today’s strength is push press. You will perform 3 sets of 6 reps with about 2-minutes rest between each set. All sets should be performed with the same weight. Take a 3-5 warm up sets to build up to a weight that will be challenging but allow you to successfully perform all 6 reps across all 3 sets.

Be careful to keep your legs locked after you drive up from the dip. And pause for a moment with the bar locked out overhead before beginning the next rep.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:

  • 10 Kettlebell Snatch (5/arm)
  • 8 Pull Ups
  • 6 Push Ups


Today’s workout is 12-minutes of kettlebell snatch, pull ups, and push ups. Your score is the number of rounds and reps completed.

The kettlebell snatch should be done in unbroken sets of 5 per arm. If you do not have access to a kettlebell, use a dumbbell. But if you do have access to a kettlebell, use it. The kettlebell snatch is more technical and a good skill to use.

The pull ups should be done in 1-2 sets each round. Any style is acceptable. You may substitute jumping pull ups or ring rows.

The push ups should be quick and unbroken. Elevate your hands if you think you’ll reach a point where you need to break them up.

Monday 2020.12.14


For time (15min time cap):

  • 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats
  • 6-8 Calories

At 20:00, for time (15min time cap):

  • 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
  • 6-8 Calories


Today’s conditioning is two parts, each for time. Your score is the sum total of both times. Each of the two parts has a 15 min time cap.

The front squats should be at a moderate weight. Your goal should be to do every round in 1 set.

The calories should take no longer than :40 each round. If you do not have access to a machine, substitute a run of an equivalent time domain.

The burpee box jump overs should be done at a pace of at least 10/minute. Adjust the rep scheme if you think this volume of burpees will put you too close to the time cap.

Saturday 2020.12.12

Schedule Update

Starting Monday, December 14th, we will be offering two early morning classes. Our schedule will be:
  • 0515
  • 0615

Open gym and the rest of the day’s schedule remains the same.


With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 6 rounds each:

  • 200m Run
  • 5 Hang Squat Cleans
  • 10 Box Jump Overs (clear box)


Today’s conditioning is to be done with a partner. Partner 1 will run 200m, perform 5 hang squat cleans, then 10 box jump overs. Partner 2 will then begin a round of running, cleans, and box jump overs while partner 1 rests. Continue this pattern until each partner has completed 6 rounds.

The runs should take no longer than 1-minute. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The hang squat cleans may be at a challenging weight, but make sure you can complete the sets of 5 unbroken.

The box jump overs will be performed by jumping completely over the box. Choose a height that you will stay safe throughout the workout, no matter how tired you are.

Friday 2020.12.11

Schedule Update

Starting Monday, December 14th, we will be offering two early morning classes. Our schedule will be:
  • 0515
  • 0615

Open gym and the rest of the day’s schedule remains the same.


4 Rounds not for time:

  • 10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
  • 3 Broad Jumps for distance


Today’s strength is heavy kettlebell swings and broad jumps. You may take your time between the exercises and rounds.

The Russian kettlebell swings should be heavy. After a few warm up sets, choose a bell that is heavier than something you would use in a conditioning workout. Stay tight and use your hips to drive the bell up.

Focus on ensuring your knees are tracking over your toes during the take off and the landing on the broad jump. Reset between jumps each round. They do not have to be 3 continuous reps.


Every 5:00 for 3 rounds:

  • 12-15 Calories
  • 15 Kettlebell Swings
  • 35 Double Unders
  • 12-15 Calories


Today’s conditioning is 3 shorter, fast efforts. Your score is the sum total time of all 3 efforts.

The calories should take about :45 each round. Adjust the number if you think you will take longer.

The kettlebell swings should be unbroken. It is only 3 sets of 15, so you can choose a slightly heavier bell, but don’t put it down!

The double unders should take no longer than :25 to complete each round. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders as a substitute.

Thursday 2020.12.10

Schedule Update

Starting Monday, December 14th, we will be offering two early morning classes. Our schedule will be:
  • 0515
  • 0615

Open gym and the rest of the day’s schedule remains the same.


Back Squat @ 12X1

  • Build to a heavy set of 2
  • Drop 15% and do 2 more sets of 2


Today’s strength is back squats. Every rep will be performed with a :01 descent and :02 pause in the bottom. You will build up to a heavy set of 2. Once you find your heavy weight, take 15% off the bar and do two more sets of 2.


In 15:00

Complete 6 rounds of:

  • 6 Single Arm Devil Press
  • 20 Air Squats

In the remaining time, complete as many rounds as possible:

  • 5 Push Ups
  • 10 Jump Lunges
  • 20 Double Unders


Today’s conditioning is 15-minutes of work. You will begin with a buy in of 6 rounds of 6 single arm devil press and 20 air squats. Once you finish the 6 rounds, you will use the time remaining to complete as many rounds as possible of 5 push ups, 10 jump lunges, and 20 double unders. Your score is the number of rounds and reps of push ups, lunges, and double unders completed.

The devil press should be completed without any breaks throughout the 6 rounds. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The air squats should be at a smooth pace. Use these as your recovery between devil press.

The push ups should be fast and unbroken every round. Elevate your hands if you think you will reach muscle failure too soon.

The jump lunges should be continuous. If you cannot jump, simply step up and back.

The double unders should be quick and unbroken throughout the workout. Don’t work for more than :20 on any round of double unders. Substitute single unders if needed.