Tuesday 2020.07.21


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • Minute 1 – 5 Push Jerks
  • Minute 2 – 5 Hang Power Cleans


Today’s strength is push jerks and hang power cleans. You will alternate between the two at the top of each minute for 10 minutes. You may switch your weights each minute if you would like to use a different weight for the cleans and push jerks.

Show control on the push jerks by pausing for :01 overhead between reps. Don’t pause in the front rack. Absorb the bar and go right into the next rep. Use a weight that is challenging, but allows you to focus on this technique.

The hang power cleans may be taken from position 1 or position 2. Choose a weight that allows you to cycle the bar for all 5 reps without pausing with the bar anywhere other than the front rack.


4 Rounds for time:

  • 20/15 Calories
  • 15 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Burpee Box Jump Overs

16:00 time cap


Today’s conditioning is a triplet of calories on a machine, toes to bar, and burpee box jump overs. Your score is the time it takes to complete 4 rounds or the number of rounds and reps completed under the 16:00 time cap.

The calories should take around 1:00 to complete each round. You may adjust the number if you think you will hit the time cap because of the calories.

The toes to bar should take no more than 3 sets each round. Adjust the number, perform knees raises, or perform sit ups as a substitute.

The burpee box jump overs should take no longer than 2:00 to complete each round. Adjust the number of reps, or use a lower box that will allow you to move faster.

Track Workout

3 Sets:

  • 1600m @ mile pace + :20 / 400m

Rest 3:00

Monday 2020.07.20


5 Sets

  • 3 Front Squats @ 23X1
  • 3 Box Jumps


Today’s strength is front squats and box jumps. You will alternate between the two for 5 sets, resting as needed between exercises.

The front squats will be performed with a :02 negative, :03 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps. Warm up to a weight that feels like a 7/10 difficulty and use that same weight across all 5 sets. In other words, after your first working set, you should feel like you could have done 2 or 3 more reps at the prescribed tempo.

The box jumps are meant to work on explosiveness. Choose a safe height and work on reaching full extension on your jump. If you do not have a box, simply work on a max height vertical jump.


For time, complete 2 sets of the following:

  • 400m Run
  • 30 Front Squats

Rest 1:00

  • 300m Run
  • 20 Single Arm Devil Press

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 2 sets of running and squatting, and running and devil press. Your score will be the total time to complete the 4 intervals, including the rest time (to make your life easy… no math!).

The 400m run should take no longer than 2:30 each round. The 300m run should take no longer than 2:00 each round. Adjust the distance accordingly.

The squats may be done with dumbbells, kettlebells, or a barbell. Choose a weight that allows you to complete the 30 reps in no more than 2 sets each round.

The devil press should be done continuously. It should be a light enough weight that you do not have step away from the dumbbell during your set of 20 reps.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike

3:00 easy
2:00 moderate
1:00 moderate/fast
4:00 recovery
2 x (8:00 moderate, 4:00 recovery)
3:00 easy
4 x (3:00 fast, 2:00 recovery)

5:00 Cool down

Pacing Guidelines

Bike Erg Rower Assault Bike
Easy: 65-75 RPM
Moderate: 80 RPM
Fast: 85-90 RPM
Easy: 2k +:25
Moderate: 2k+:12-15
Fast: 2k + :08-10
Easy: 45-55 RPM
Moderate: 55-70 RPM
Fast: 65+ RPM

Saturday 2020.07.18


At 0:00, for time:

  • 60/45 Calories
  • 60 Wall Balls
  • 25 Box Jump Over (clear box)

At 12:00, for time:

  • 100 Double Unders
  • 60/45 Calories
  • 100 Double Unders

At 24:00, for time:

  • 25 Box Jump Over (clear box)
  • 60 Wall Balls
  • 60/45 Calories

10:00 time cap on each workout


Today’s workout is three parts, each for time. Your scores will be your time for each section or the number of reps you complete under the 10 minute cap.

The middle section of today’s workout is shorter and less taxing. This should allow you to recover to repeat your effort from part one on part three.

The calories should not take longer than 5:00 for the sets of 60/45. Adjust the number of reps accordingly. If you do not have a machine, run 800m.

The wall balls should take no more than 4 sets on either round. Choose a weight that allows you to complete bigger sets with minimal rest. If you do not have a wall ball, perform light thrusters or jump squats.

The box jump overs should be done at a height where you will not hesitate between jumps. Adjust the height accordingly.

The double unders should take no longer than 1:30 to complete each round. You may substitute single unders or, if you do not have a jump rope, jumping jacks or pogo jumps.

Friday 2020.07.17


Every minute on the minute for 10:00:

  • 1 Slow Clean Pull + 1 Power Clean from position 2

Use the same weight across all 10 rounds.


Today’s strength is power cleans. After your coach leads you through a clean warm up, you will take a few minutes to find your working weight. You will then use that weight for every round.

During the slow clean pull, focus on staying balanced throughout your foot and hitting your positions through extension. Then lower down through position 1, to position 2 and perform a power clean. Focus on landing with your feet in a good squat position, receiving the bar above parallel.

If you do not have a barbell, using an odd object, dumbbells, or kettlebells perform 5 Romanian Deadlifts and then 3 Box Jumps (or max height vertical jumps) each minute on the same minute.


For time:

  • 40/30 Calories
  • 8 Rounds of “Cindy”
  • 40/30 Calories

16:00 time cap

1 Round of Cindy =

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 10 Push Ups
  • 15 Air Squats


Today’s workout is for time. Your score will be how long it takes to complete all the work, or the number of reps you complete in the 16:00 time cap.

The calories should take no longer than 4:00 on each end of the workout. Adjust the number accordingly. If you do not have a machine, run 800m or a distance that will take no longer than 4:00.

The pull ups should be completed in 1 set each round. Any style is acceptable. If you do not have a pull up bar, perform 5 heavy rows on each arm.

The push ups should also be completed in 1 set each round. Elevate your hands on a bench or box, if needed.

The air squats are your time to shake out your arms. Ensure you are using a full range of motion for every rep. Don’t go so fast that you cut your range of motion short.

Thursday 2020.07.16


Back Squat @ 22X1

  • 4 sets of 3 reps


Today’s strength is back squats. Each rep will be performed with a :02 descent, :02 pause in the bottom, and :01 pause between reps. Warm up to a weight that feels like a 7-8/10 difficulty. When you finish your first set, you should feel like you could have done a few more reps. Use that weight for all four working sets.

If you do not have access to a barbell, perform odd object, dumbbell, or kettlebell squats. Perform 4 sets of 6 reps with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom. The idea here is, if you do not have anything heavy, slow the tempo down to make it challenging.


Every 5:00 for 4 rounds:

  • 75 Double Unders
  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 12 Alternating Single Arm Devil Press


Today’s conditioning is 4 rounds of double unders, toes to bar, and devil press. You will complete one round at the top of every 5:00. Your score is the slowest round.

The double unders should take no longer than 1:00 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders.

The toes to bar should be done in no more than 3 sets. You may perform knee raises or, if you do not have a pull up bar, sit ups.

The devil press should take no longer than 1:30 to complete. Use a weight that allows you to complete all 12 reps without stepping away from the dumbbell.


  • 2000m at mile pace + :15 / 400m
  • 3min rest,
  • 500m at mile pace + :05 / 400m
  • 4min rest,
  • 1200m at mile pace + :15 / 400m
  • 3min rest,
  • 400m at mile pace + :05 / 400m
  • 4min rest,
  • 800m at mile pace + :15 / 400m
  • 3min rest,
  • 300m at mile pace + :05 / 400m