Today’s conditioning consists of two task priority workouts. You will complete one round then rest 4:00 and complete another round. There is an 8:00 time cap on each round.
The burpee box jump overs can be adjusted to any style burpee: burpee over the barbell, burpee over a dumbbell, burpees to a target, etc. Whatever version you choose, ensure the 15 reps don’t take longer than 1:30 each set. Adjust the number of reps accordingly.
The hang power cleans can be done as any variation of a clean: barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, seabag, sandbag, etc. Choose a lighter weight. You want to finish the 30 reps in 2 or 3 quick sets.
The double unders should be done very quickly. Ensure they don’t take longer than :45. You may perform pogo jumps if you don’t have a jump rope.
The front squats can be performed as any variation of a squat: barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, seabag, sandbag, etc. Choose a lighter weight. You want to finish the 30 reps in 2 or 3 quick sets.
Today’s midline work alternates between 3 movements. The goal is to keep working the whole time.
For the v-ups, if you cannot work for the full :20, perform tuck ups.
For the arch ups, keep your legs and arms straight and pause for :01 at the top each rep.
You have plenty of options for the chest hold. Use a sandbag, sea-bag, kettlebell, dumbbell, or any other odd object you can find. Check out this video for some variations.
At Home Conditioning
3 Rounds:
1:00 Farmer’s Carry
2:00 Run
1:00 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
2:00 Run
Today’s workout is a time priority. There is no rest between stations. You will be moving for the whole workout.
The farmer’s carry can be done with any object: kettlebells, dumbbells, barbell, water jugs, etc. The objects do not have to be the same weight. If you are holding uneven objects, switch hands at :30.
The run should be at a sustainable pace. A good way to approach this is to run 1:00 out and 1:00 back. Try and reach the same distance all three rounds.
The swings can be done with a kettlebell or dumbbell. Choose a weight that you can hang on to for a majority of the minute.
At Home Endurance
Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run
5:00 Easy Warm Up
4 sets:
90sec fast pace
1min rest
45sec fast pace
1min rest
60sec fast pace
1min rest
15sec sprint
Rest between sets: 3 min
5:00 Cool down
Today’s endurance workout is four intervals. Try to keep all the fast intervals the same pace. Then push very hard on the sprint portion.
Today’s workout has three parts, completed on a running clock. Each part is to be completed for time and there is an 8:00 time cap on each. You will have 3 scores, your time to complete each section.
At the call of “3, 2, 1, go!” you will begin working on calories and cleans. If you do not have a machine to perform calories, go for a 150m run. If you are not sure where 150m is, run out for :20 and then run back :20.
For the cleans, you can perform any variation: kettlebell, dumbbell, barbell, sandbag, seabag. Check out this video for some examples.
At 10:00 on the clock, you will being your box jump overs and lunges. The box jump overs should be done at a height that allows you to move smoothly. If you do not have a box, jump on any stable thing you can find. If you can’t find anything tall enough, find something to jump completely over.
The walking lunge can be weighted with any object. You can perform dumbbell or kettlebell front rack lunges, barbell back or front rack lunges, seabag lunges. The lunge should be completed in 2 or 3 sets at the most.
At 20:00 on the clock, you will repeat the calories and cleans. See if you can match your time from the first time around.
Today’s workout is 3 rounds of a 4 minute amrap. You will have 3 scores: rounds and reps completed each round.
It is your choice what variation of a squat you’ll do today. You can perform seabag squats, barbell front or back squats, goblet squats, or air squats. Make sure, whatever variation you choose, you can do all 10 in a row.
The double unders should take no more than 1:15 to complete. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders if needed.
The kettlebell swings should be done unbroken. If you don’t have a kettlebell, you can simply use your dumbbell to perform swings.
The alternating single leg v-ups can be adjusted to tuck ups in order to keep these unbroken.
Midline Extras
Accumulate 1:00 in an L Sit
Today’s midline extra is the L-Sit. Your goal is to accumulate 1:00 in this position and it can be done in as many or as few sets as you choose. The L-sit can be done between two chairs, on the floor, hanging, or where ever you can find a place to support yourself. You can also scale back by tucking one or both legs in. Check out this video for some variations.
For strength today, we’ll be doing turkish get ups. You can use whichever weight you feel comfortable with but make sure you warm up with the moderate weight before jumping right to the heavy one. Be deliberate with each step of the movement and don’t rush these. Rest as needed between reps.
Take a look at this video on how to do a turkish get up with a seabag.
At Home Conditioning
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:
400m Run
10 Strict Pull Ups or 10 Bent Over Rows
Today’s workout is a 20 minute time priority. Your score will be how many rounds and reps you complete.
The runs should take about 2:30 or less. If you are not certain how far 400m is on your street, you can run out for 1:00 and run back for 1:00. Note how far you ran in round one and then run to that same mark for the rest of the workout.
The pull ups today are meant to be done strict. No swinging or kipping is allowed. Don’t let these take longer than 1:00 each round. If you do not have a pull up bar, grab a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell and perform 10 bent over rows on each arm.