Saturday 2020.04.25

At Home Conditioning

With a partner, alternating full rounds and complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:

  • Alternating Single Arm Dumbbell Squat Cleans
  • Burpees over Dumbbell

*Start with 2 reps of each and add two reps each round.

Rest 2:00, then complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:

  • Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead
  • Box Jump Overs

*Start with 2 reps of each and add two reps each round.


Today’s workout is to be done with a virtual partner. You will complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of squat cleans and burpees, then rest two minutes and do the same with shoulder to overhead and box jumps. At the start of the workout, partner one will complete 2 squat cleans (1/arm) and 2 burpees, then rest while partner two completes 2 squat cleans (1/arm) and 2 burpees. When partner one begins the next round, the reps go up to 4 squat cleans (2/arm) and 4 burpees. Continue in this pattern, adding two reps each time it comes back around, for 12 minutes. You will follow the same format for the second amrap.

The squat cleans should be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell that allows you to complete at least 12 reps unbroken when you are tired. You don’t want to have to break at all and make your partner wait too long.

Remember to use a two foot take off when jumping over the dumbbell during your burpees.

The single arm shoulder to overhead should be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell that allows you to complete at least 12 reps unbroken when you are tired. You may switch arms whenever you like, but we recommend at halfway through your set.

The box jump overs should be done to a height at which you will not hesitate between reps. If you don’t have a stable surface to jump on and over, find something that you can jump over and clear the object.

Friday 2020.04.24

At Home Conditioning

3 Sets

2 Rounds for time:

  • 100 Double Unders
  • 10 Strict Pull Ups
  • 16 Weighted Lunges

Rest 4:00 between sets

6:00 time cap each set (6:00 per 2 rounds)


Today’s workout is six rounds total. You will complete 2 rounds of 100 double unders, 10 strict pull ups, and 16 weighted lunges then rest rest 4:00 before completing your second set of 2 rounds. Then rest another 4:00 and complete a third set of two rounds. You have 6:00 to complete each set of two rounds. If you do not finish in 6:00, your score will be the number of rounds and reps completed in 6:00.

The double unders should be completed in about 1:00. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders if needed. If you do not have a jump rope, you can perform pogo jumps or jumping jacks.

The strict pull ups should take less than 1:00 to complete. Adjust the number of reps if needed. If you do not have a pull up bar, perform rows. Check out this video for some different row variations.

The lunges can be performed with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, seabags, etc. Make sure you can complete each set unbroken with the weight you choose.

Thursday 2020.04.23

At Home Strength

3 Rounds

  • 10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts per side
  • 10 Single Arm Upright Row per side
  • 20 Deadbugs


Today’s strength is three exercises you will rotate through for three rounds. You may rest about :30-1:00 between exercises.

During the single leg Romanian deadlifts, you may use a dumbbell, kettlebell, or barbell. If you struggle with the balance, hold onto something to help you balance and practice a long range of motion.

During the upright row, use a light-moderate weight dumbbell or kettlebell. Try to avoid leaning back or rotating your torso.

During the deadbugs, focus on keeping your lower back down in contact with the ground. Move slowly and with control.

At Home Conditioning

For time:

  • 50 dumbbell deadlifts
  • 50 AbMat sit-ups
  • 50 box step-ups
  • 50 single-arm dumbbell thrusters

20:00 time cap


Today’s workout is the third week of CrossFit HQ’s Support Your Local Box Fundraiser.

The dumbbell deadlifts can be performed with a barbell, kettlebell, or any odd object. They should be light and take no more than 4 sets to complete. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The sit ups should be done at a smooth pace. If you don’t have an abmat, you can roll up a sweatshirt and place that under your lower back, or you can anchor your feet for your sit ups.

The step ups should be done alternating legs. They can be done weighted or unweighted. If you do not have a box, find something stable like a set of stairs or park bench on which to step up.

The single arm thrusters should also be light. Try and finish in no more than 4 sets. You may switch arms at any point.

Wednesday 2020.04.22

At Home Conditioning

Every 10:00 for 3 Rounds:

  • 25/20 Calories or 200m Run
  • 25 Push Ups
  • 25 Box Jump Overs
  • 25 Clean and Jerks

8:00 time cap each round


Today’s conditioning is a chipper that you will complete at the top of every 10:00.

The calories should take less than 1:30 to complete. Adjust the number of calories accordingly. If you do not have a machine, go for a 200m run.

The push ups should be done in 2 or 3 quick sets. Elevate your hands if needed.

The box jump overs should be done at a height that allows you to complete them quickly and with no hesitation. If you do not have a box, find an object that you feel comfortable jumping over.

The clean and jerks can be completed with a barbell, dumbbells, or kettlebells. Whatever you choose, make sure it is a light weight that allows you to get the 25 reps done in 3:00 or less. Check out this video for some variations.

At Home Endurance

Bike Erg / Row / Assault Bike / Run

5:00 Easy Warm Up

3 Sets

8 Rounds
:30 Easy
:30 Fast

Rest 2:00 between sets

5:00 Cool down


Today’s endurance workout is 3 sets of 8 minutes of work with 2 minutes rest between sets. The fast paces should be challenging but sustainable. The easy paces should allow you to feel recovered before starting the next fast interval.

Pacing Guidelines:

Bike Erg Row Assault Bike Run
Easy: 70-80 RPM sitting, damper 1-3
Fast: 60-70 RPM standing, damper 7+
Easy: 2k+:20
Fast: 2k+:05
Easy: 55-65 RPM
Fast: 75+ RPM
Easy: jog
Fast: mile pace


Tuesday 2020.04.21

Broad Jumps

Take 10 minutes to find a max standing distance broad jump


Today we are going to test out standing broad jump. From standing still, jump as far forward as you can. Make sure to keep your knees tracking over your toes as you load up, take off, and land. Just like when we squat or deadlift and screw our feet into the ground to externally rotate in the hip, you will do the same thing when you load up for your standing broad jump.

At Home Conditioning


For time:

  • 150 Wall Balls

10:00 time cap


Today’s workout is the benchmark “Karen.” We are placing a 10 minute time cap on today’s workout. Your score will either be the time it takes to complete all 150 reps or the number of reps you get in 10:00.

There are multiple ways to approach this workout. You can try and complete 15 reps unbroken at the top of every minute. You can perform 15 sets of 10 reps with a :10 break between all sets. You can try a descending rep scheme such as 50-40-30-20-10 with no more than :30 rest between sets. Whatever you choose, try and be disciplined with your breaks.

If you do not have a wall ball, you can perform jump squats or light thrusters.

21 Gun Salute

2 Rounds not for time


  • 7 from bottom to half way up
  • 7 from half way up to top
  • 7 full curls


We are finishing off the day with a 21 Gun Salute. Check out this video of how to perform the salute.

You can perform these curls with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, or with any household object you can find. If you don’t have something light enough to get through all 21 reps, lower it to 5 reps each.