Wednesday 2020.02.19


With a partner, alternating every 2 rounds, complete 4 sets each:

  • 2 Rope Climbs
  • 10 Dumbbell Snatch (70/50)
  • 9/7 Calories

36:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority to be completed with a partner. Partner 1 will complete 2 rounds of 2 rope climbs, 10 dumbbell snatch, and calories. Then parter 1 will rest and partner 2 will begin his/her 2 rounds. This pattern continues until each person has completed 4 sets (8 rounds total).

The rope climbs should take no more than 1:00. Adjust the number of reps, target height, or perform a combination of foot-lock drill and knee raises.

The dumbbell snatches are on the heavier side but you should be able to complete the 10 reps in under :30. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The calories should take no longer than :30 each time. Adjust the number of calories accordingly.

0730 Endurance

10 Rounds:

  • 1000m Bike or 500m Row

Rest 1:30


Today’s workout is 10 intervals of biking or rowing. If you are on the bike, you will pedal for 1000m. If you are on the rower, you will row 500m. The goal is to get a little faster each round. The first interval should feel easy, at around 2k+:10. Then try to decrease your splits by :02 every other round so that you end close to your 2k pace.

Tuesday 2020.02.18


Back Squat @ 22X1

  • x 4 x 4 sets @ RPE 7

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is back squats. Every rep will be performed with a :02 descent and :02 pause in the bottom. Limit yourself to a :01 pause between reps. You will warm up to a weight that at this tempo, after your first working set you felt like you could have performed 3 more reps with the prescribed tempo. You will use this weight for all 4 working sets.


7 Rounds

In 1:00:

  • 15 Air Squats
  • 7 Power Cleans (115/75)
  • Max Burpees over the Bar in remaining time

Rest 1:00

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning consists of 7 time priority intervals. You will have one minute to complete 15 air squats, 7 power cleans, and as many burpees over the bar as you can manage. The goal today is to complete one more burpee each round. If you got 5 burpees in round 1, your goal for round 2 is 6 burpees, and round 3 is 7 burpees. This is going to require you to pace out the first round.

The air squats should always be done in under :20. You may adjust the number if that does not sound like a sustainable pace.

The power cleans should be light and unbroken every round. Adjust the weight if 7 touch and go reps is not attainable.

Stay smooth on your burpees. Practice a very sustainable pace in the first few rounds. In the later rounds, you will need to work on staying low and hopping down into the next rep quicker in order to achieve your target number of burpees.

Monday 2020.02.17


Turkish Get Up

  • build to a heavy 1/arm

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is turkish get ups. Your coach will take you through a thorough shoulder warm up prior to beginning today’s strength. Begin with a light kettlebell and do one rep on each arm. Then grab a slightly heavier kettlebell and repeat. Continue to make small jumps until you find your heavy for the day. Focus on keeping a strong shoulder and maintaining full lockout in the elbow throughout the exercise.


With a partner, complete for time:

  • 50 Strict Pull Ups, one person working at a time
  • 100 Double Unders, each and at the same time
  • 100 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows, one person working at a time
  • 100 Double Unders, each and at the same time
  • 50 Strict Pull Ups, one person working at a time

20:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a task priority with a 20 minute time cap. The strict pull ups and dumbbell rows will be split between you and your partner, where only one person works at a time. The double unders will be completed simultaneously.

Both sets of pull ups should be completed in under 5:00. You may switch whenever you and your partner decide. Perform ring rows or strict banded pull ups if you cannot maintain that volume of strict pull ups.

The double unders should take no more than 1:30 each set. Both partners will be working at the same time and each person will do 100 reps each time.

The single arm dumbbell rows are intended to be done with a heavy dumbbell. We recommend doing 5 on one side, 5 on the other, then the other partner does the same. Continue this pattern for 5 sets each. If you can maintain bigger sets than that, you need a heavier dumbbell.

0730 Endurance

Every 10:00 for 5 rounds:

  • 40/30 Calorie Bike
  • 400m Run
  • 40/30 Calorie Row


Today’s endurance workout is 5 intervals of biking, running, and rowing. You will start a new interval every 10:00. The goal is to get at least 2 minutes rest between intervals. If the bike, run, or row take longer than about 2:30 each, adjust the number of calories or distance down. These efforts should feel very repeatable.

Week of 2020.02.17 Preview

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: partner strict pull up workout
  • Tuesday: back squat
  • Wednesday: long partner conditioning
  • Thursday: intervals with barbell cycling
  • Friday: strict press
  • Saturday: team workout

Saturday 2020.02.15


Working in teams of 2, complete 3 sets of the following.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00:

  • 400m Run together
  • 20 Synchronized Dumbbell Push Press (35/50)
  • Max Squat Cleans (115/165)

Rest 5:00 between sets.

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is three time priority intervals to be completed with a partner. Your score for each will be the number of squat cleans achieved each round.

You will run 400 meters together. If this is going to take longer than 2:30, adjust the distance.

The dumbbell push press will be performed synchronized by showing lockout at the top at the same time. A quick pause overhead may be necessary to keep the team synchronized. Choose a weight that will allow you to complete the 20 reps in no more than 2 sets.

The squat cleans are at a moderate weight. Only one person will be working at a time here and we recommend going back and forth doing quick singles with your partner.