Thursday 2019.12.12


With a partner, alternating every :30, complete as many rounds as possible in 30:00:

  • 150/120 Calories
  • 100m Goblet Hold Walking Lunge (53/70)
  • 20 Wall Walks

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a time priority to be done with partner. Partner 1 will start on the machine and work for :30. At the :30 mark, you will switch and partner 1 will rest while partner 2 works. This pattern will continue for the entire workout. Partners must use the same machine to accumulate calories. Choose a weight on the kettlebell that allows you to lunge continuously for :30 for multiple rounds. Aim to complete 2-3 wall walks per :30 interval. Adjust the wall walk by stopping at an angle rather than reaching a full handstand, if needed.

Wednesday 2019.12.11


With a partner, complete as many reps as possible in 28:00:

  • 4000m Row (alternate every 1000m)
  • 200 Russian Kettlebell Swings (alternate every 20)
  • Max meters (alternate every 400m)

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout is a partner time priority workout consisting of rowing and kettlebell swings. Only one person will be working at a time throughout the workout. Each row should be done at your best 2000m time trial pace. If you have some gas left in the tank towards the end of the workout, push the pace. Choose a kettlebell that allows you to complete 5 sets of 20 reps unbroken.

Tuesday 2019.12.10


1a) Bench Press

  • @ RPE 6-7 x 10 x 3 sets
  • +10-20# x 6 x 2 sets

1b) Bent Over Double Dumbbell Row

  • @ RPE 8 x 10 x 5 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for 5 working sets. For the bench press, warm up to a weight that, when you finish your first set, you felt like you could have completed 3-4 more reps. After 3 working sets, add 10-20lbs and complete 2 sets of 6 reps. For the bent over double dumbbell row, choose a set of dumbbells that, after your first set, you felt like you could have done 2 more reps. Use this weight for all 5 sets.


For time, 21-15-9-21 reps of:

  • Toes to Bar
  • Burpees

12:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is a task priority workout consisting of toes to bar and burpees. The toes to bar should be done in no more than 3 sets each round. If that is not possible, choose a combination of toes to bar and knee raises that allows you to complete each round in 3 sets. Stay smooth on the burpees. The last set of 21 is where it counts, so leave enough in the tank to make a kick. If 10 burpees per minute is a fast pace for you, lower the reps to 15-12-9-15. There is a 12:00 time cap on this workout.

Monday 2019.12.09


1a) Front Rack Reverse Lunges

  • @ RPE 6-7 x 10/leg x 3 sets
  • +10-20# x 6/leg x 2 sets

1b) Box Jumps

  • x 3 x 5 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength work consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for 5 working sets. For the lunges, warm up to a weight where after you finish your first set, you feel like you could have completed 3 or 4 more reps on each leg. You will use that weight for 3 working sets. After your third working set, add 10-20lbs and complete 2 more sets of 6 reps on each leg. These lunges are not alternating. You will finish all the reps on one side before working on the other leg. For the box jumps, choose a height that allows you to practice being explosive and maintain a soft landing.


3 Rounds

In 3:00, complete as many reps as possible:

  • 3 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (50/35)
  • 6 Box Jumps with step down
  • 9/7 Calories

Rest 3:00

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout consists of three time priority intervals. For the hang squat cleans, choose a set of dumbbells that allow you to complete three reps unbroken quickly, but may start to feel a little challenging as you fatigue. Choose a height on the box jump that allows you to jump up every time without hesitation. The calories should be completed in under :40. Adjust the number in order to achieve this. Your goal should be zero or minimal drop off in scores across three rounds.

Week of 2019.12.09 Preview

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: lunges
  • Tuesday: bench press
  • Wednesday: partner rowing workout
  • Thursday: partner conditioning
  • Friday: deadlifts
  • Saturday: team workout