Dec 20, 2019
Schedule Update
Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:
- Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
- Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas)
- Thursday, December 26th
- Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
- 0530
- 0630
- 0730 Open Gym
- 0900
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130
- 1715
- Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.
Working in teams of 4, complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00:
Rest 2:00
Complete as many reps as possible in 10:00:
- Sandbag Cleans (alternate every :15)
Rest 2:00
Complete as many reps as possible in 10:00:
- Burpee Box Jump Overs (alternate every :15)
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of 3 time priority intervals to be completed in a team of 4.
The sled drags will be completed in the back parking lot. The starting line will be right next to the container. You will drag the sled to the wall and back to the starting line. Only one person will be working at a time and the full 60m must be completed before rotating. Choose a weight that is moderate but allows you to move at a jog or run for the whole 60m.
The second 10 minutes will be spent accumulating as many sandbag cleans as possible. Only one person will be working at a time and you must rotate partners every :15. Choose a weight that allows you to complete at least 3 reps each interval.
The third 10 minutes will be spent accumulating as many burpee box jump overs as possible. Only one person will be working at a time and you must rotate partners every :15. Push the pace on these burpees because the work:rest ratio is 1:3.
Dec 19, 2019
Schedule Update
Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:
- Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
- Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas)
- Thursday, December 26th
- Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
- 0530
- 0630
- 0730 Open Gym
- 0900
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130
- 1715
- Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.
Deadlift @ 20X1
Strength Notes
Today’s strength is tempo deadlifts. Every rep will be performed with an explosive concentric, :01 pause at lockout, :02 negative, and no pause on the ground. Warm up to a weight that, after your first set, you feel like you could have completed about 3 more reps. You will then use that weight for all 5 sets.
Every minute on the minute for 20:00:
- Minute 1: 8 Power Cleans (you choose the weight)
- Minute 2: 12 Double Kettlebell Front Squats
- Minute 3: :40 Max Calories
- Minute 4: Rest
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of two task priorities and one time priority interval to be completed at the start of each minute. Once the prescribed work is done, you will rest until the top of the next minute and the begin working on the following station. For the power cleans, choose a weight that is challenging but you can complete one rep every :05. For the kettlebell front squats, choose a set of kettlebells that make the squats challenging but you can still complete all 12 reps unbroken. For the calories, push the pace because you will have a full 1:20 to rest before beginning the next round of power cleans. This should be about a 90% effort for :40.
Dec 18, 2019
Schedule Update
Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:
- Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
- Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas)
- Thursday, December 26th
- Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
- 0530
- 0630
- 0730 Open Gym
- 0900
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130
- 1715
- Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.
Time Trial
For time:
Compare to 2019.11.20
Time Trial Notes
Today’s conditioning is a task priority workout. Your coach will lead you through a thorough warm up to get your engines primed for this test. Pacing is very important here. Ideally, you will choose a pace that you can sustain for the duration of the row, but no longer than that. If you’ve done it right, you’ll barely have enough for a kick at the end. This is a skill that requires practice and some data analysis can go a long way. To begin your row, set your monitors by pressing “select workout” > “standard list” > “2000m.” After you have finished your row, press “more options” > “memory” > “magnifying glass” and take a picture of the screen. The data presented there is important. Please note that some monitors are slightly different, so if you cannot find this page, ask your coach.
Upper Body Strength
Working in a team of 4, complete 2 rounds each for max reps:
- 3:00 of push ups (alternate every :15)
- 3:00 of strict pull ups (alternate every :15)
Today’s workout consists of 4 time priority intervals to be completed as a team. You will work in a team of 4 and only one partner will work at a time. Partner 1 will complete as many push ups as possible in :15, then partner 2 will pick up and work for :15. This will continue for 3:00 and then the team will switch the exercise to pull ups and follow the same format. After 3:00 of pull ups, the team will return to the push ups and begin round 2. We would like you to be able to work for the entire :15, so adjust the push ups by elevating your hands. Adjust the pull ups by using a band or performing ring rows.
Dec 17, 2019
At 0:00, complete for time:
- 10 Power Snatch (135/95)
- 20 Burpees over the Bar
- 10 Power Clean and Jerk (135/95)
- 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
At 15:00, complete for time:
- 20 Wall Walks
- 80 Air Squats
At 30:00, complete 2 rounds for time:
- 40 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
- 100 Double Unders
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout consists of 3 task priority intervals. Each of these are meant to be hard intervals and we want at least 5:00 rest after each workout.
For the first workout, the weight on the barbell will be determined by the power snatch. Choose a weight with which you can do quick singles. The 10 reps of snatches should not take longer than 1:00. The burpees should be at a smooth but fast pace. If 10 burpees per minute is not an achievable pace, think about lowering the number of reps. The calories should be done in about 1:30 or less.
For the second workout, the wall walks should take no longer than 5:00. If 4 reps per minute is not an achievable pace, think about lowering the number of reps. We would like the air squats to be done at a pace of at least 20 per minute. Adjust the reps if this is not an achievable pace.
For the third workout, choose a weight on the kettlebell that allows you to do the sets of 40 in 1 or 2 sets. It should not be a heavy weight. The double unders should be done in no more than 1:30 each set. Adjust the number of reps or perform single unders to achieve this.
Dec 16, 2019
Schedule Update
Please note the following will be our schedule during the holidays:
- Tuesday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
- Wednesday, December 25th (Christmas)
- Thursday, December 26th
- Tuesday, December 31st (New Year’s Eve)
- 0530
- 0630
- 0730 Open Gym
- 0900
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130
- 1715
- Wednesday, January 1st (New Year’s Day)
If a class is not listed above, it has been cancelled. Thank you for understanding and have a great holiday.
1a) Bench Press
1b) Bent Over Double Dumbbell Row
Strength Notes
Today’s strength work consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for 5 working sets. For the bench press, warm up to a weight that, after your first working set, you felt you like could have completed 3 more reps. You will use this weight for all 5 sets. Every rep will be performed with a pause on the chest. For the bent over dumbbell rows, maintain a flat back as you hinge over and perform every rep with no motion from the torso. You will use the same weight for all 5 working sets and it should be a challenging weight, but one that after the first set, you felt like you had two more quality reps in you.
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 18:00:
- 3000m (alternate every 250m)
- 80 Toes to Bar
- 60 Box Jump Overs (clear box)
Conditioning Notes
Today’s workout is a time priority to be completed with a partner. Only one person will be working at a time throughout the workout. Alternate every 250m on the rower and aim to hold a pace of 2k – :02-:04. This means that if your 2000m time trial record is 8:00, today you will aim to row between a 1:56-1:58. The toes to bar should be completed in at least unbroken sets of 5. Adjust to knee raises if necessary. For the box jumps today, you are required to jump entirely over the box and may not land on top of the box. Switch as needed with your partner, but a good recommendation is to switch every rep as there is very little transition time involved here. Adjust the height of the box in order to clear the box safely.