Wednesday 2019.11.06

**Scheduling Note**

What: Semper Fi Fundraiser
When: Saturday, November 9th at 0830
Where: Solidarity CrossFit

In honor of the Marine Corp’s 244th birthday and Veteran’s Day, Solidarity is holding a public charity workout with 100% of the monies donated to the Semper Fi Fund. The Semper Fi Fund is a non-profit organization that provides many services to members of the United States military and their families. 

Warm ups will begin at 0830 and first-come-first-serve heats will run every 30 minutes starting at 0900. The workout may be done individually or on a team and will have scaling to accommodate all levels of fitness.

This event is open to the public! Please bring your friends. Members and others can sign up here.

Members, please note that Open Gym and Barbell Club will be cancelled due to the event.


1a) Single Leg Elevated Hip Thrust (pause :01 at top each rep)

  • x 8/side x 4 sets

1b) DB Bench Press

  • x 8 / arm x 4 sets

1c) Horizontal Ring Row

  • x 8 x 4 sets


Every 5:00 for 4 rounds:

  • 400m Run
  • 15 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
  • 7 Muscle Ups

Tuesday 2019.11.05

**Scheduling Note**

What: Semper Fi Fundraiser
When: Saturday, November 9th at 0830
Where: Solidarity CrossFit

In honor of the Marine Corp’s 244th birthday and Veteran’s Day, Solidarity is holding a public charity workout with 100% of the monies donated to the Semper Fi Fund. The Semper Fi Fund is a non-profit organization that provides many services to members of the United States military and their families. 

Warm ups will begin at 0830 and first-come-first-serve heats will run every 30 minutes starting at 0900. The workout may be done individually or on a team and will have scaling to accommodate all levels of fitness.

This event is open to the public! Please bring your friends. Members and others can sign up here.


Back Squat

  • build to a heavy 2

First rep has a :05 pause in the bottom. The second rep has no tempo restriction.


In 20:00, complete:

  • 100/70 Calories

In the remaining time, complete as many rounds as possible of:

  • 15 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 15 Toes to Bar
  • 45 Double Unders

Monday 2019.11.04

**Scheduling Note**

What: Semper Fi Fundraiser
When: Saturday, November 9th at 0830
Where: Solidarity CrossFit

In honor of the Marine Corp’s 244th birthday and Veteran’s Day, Solidarity is holding a public charity workout with 100% of the monies donated to the Semper Fi Fund. The Semper Fi Fund is a non-profit organization that provides many services to members of the United States military and their families. 

Warm ups will begin at 0830 and first-come-first-serve heats will run every 30 minutes starting at 0900. The workout may be done individually or on a team and will have scaling to accommodate all levels of fitness.

This event is open to the public! Please bring your friends. Members and others can sign up here.


Snatch high pull from position 1 + snatch high pull from position 2 + power snatch from position 2

  • build to a heavy
  • drop 20% and complete 3 sets of the same complex


Every minute on the minute for 15:00:

  • Minute 1: 12/9 Calories
  • Minute 2: 16 Single Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (35/50)
  • Minute 3: 2 Rope Climbs

Week of 2019.11.04

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: power snatch
  • Tuesday: back squat
  • Wednesday: unilateral strength
  • Thursday: conditioning intervals
  • Friday: Open workout 20.5
  • Saturday: team workout

Saturday 2019.11.02


Working in teams of 3, complete as many rounds as possible in 25:00:

  • 75/60 Calories, one person working at a time
  • 400m Run together
  • 50 Synchronized Air Squats
  • 30 Sandbag Cleans, one person working at a time