Wednesday 2019.11.20

Time Trial

For time:

  • Row 2000m


Today’s conditioning is a task priority workout. Your coach will lead you through a thorough warm up to get your engines primed for this test. Pacing is very important here. Ideally, you will choose a pace that you can sustain for the duration of the row, but no longer than that. If you’ve done it right, you’ll barely have enough for a kick at the end. This is a skill that requires practice and some data analysis can go a long way. To begin your row, set your monitors by pressing “select workout” > “standard list” > “2000m.” After you have finished your row, press “more options” > “memory” > “magnifying glass” and take a picture of the screen. The data presented there is important. Please note that some monitors are slightly different, so if you cannot find this page, ask your coach.


4 Rounds not for time:

  • 8 Barbell Curls
  • 8 Seated Dumbbell External Rotation per arm
  • 15 Abmat Sit Ups

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of three exercises you will rotate between and complete four working sets. This will serve as some low intensity work to cap off the day after a tough conditioning test. For the curls, be sure to open the elbows to full extension at the bottom and stare at your biceps as you perform the exercise. The dumbbell external rotations will be performed with very light dumbbells and are meant as a rotator cuff strengthening exercises. Perform the abmat sit ups with control as they are not for time.

Tuesday 2019.11.19


1a) Bench Press

  • x 8 x 5 sets @ RPE 5-6

1b) Single Arm Dumbbell Row

  • x 10 per arm x 5 sets @ RPE 8-9

Strength Notes

Today’s strength consists of two exercises between which you will alternate for five working sets. For the bench press, warm up to a moderate weight that will not get too challenging at any point and use that weight for all five sets. Every rep will be performed with a pause on the chest. For the dumbbell row, choose a heavy dumbbell that still allows you to achieve a full range of motion each rep and use that for all five sets.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 12:00:

  • 15 Power Cleans (95/135)
  • 20 Toes to Bar

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is a time priority workout consisting of two movements. Choose a weight on the power cleans that allows you to perform either quick singles or small touch and go sets. You should be able to get through 15 reps in about 1:30 each round. The toes to bar should be done in about 3 sets at most. You should be able to accomplish all 20 reps in about 2:00 each round. Switch the toes to bar to knee raises or perform a combination of toes to bar and knee raises each set to accomplish this. We would like to see at least 3 rounds completed.

Monday 2019.11.18


1a) Front Rack Reverse Lunges

  • x 8 per leg x 5 sets @ RPE 5-6

1b) Box Jump

  • x 3 x 5

Strength Notes

Today’s strength involves two exercises between which you will alternate. For the lunges, you will warm up to a weight that feels moderate but you’re sure it will never get too challenging. You will then use that weight for all five working sets. For the box jumps, our major concerns are jump mechanics and how explosive you are being each jump. We are not concerned with jumping on the highest box possible.


5 Rounds

In 2:00 complete:

  • 40 Double Unders
  • 15 Dumbbell Push Press (35/50)
  • Max Kettlebell Swings (35/53) in remaining time

Rest 2:00 between rounds

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning involves five time priority intervals. The double unders should be done unbroken. Lower the number of reps, or perform 40 single unders in order to achieve this. The push press should also be done unbroken. The weight here will get challenging towards the later rounds, but you should still be confident you’ll get all 15 reps done in a row. Choose a weight on the kettlebell with which you are capable of doing 25 reps unbroken. It should not be heavy. Your score is the number of swings achieved each round. Try and hit the same number of reps every round.

Week of 2019.11.18 Preview

Programming Note

This is the beginning of our first cycle after the Open. Please read all about it below.

Microcycle Preview

  • Monday: lunges
  • Tuesday: bench press
  • Wednesday: 2000m row time trial
  • Thursday: deadlift
  • Friday: long conditioning
  • Saturday: team workout

Off-season Cycle 1

5 Weeks: 20191118 – 20191220


Focus: hypertrophy phase

Hypertrophy training involves moderate-high repetitions at low-moderate intensity.

We will be focusing on three main strength exercises for this five week cycle. 

Bench Press 

  • Reps will always be performed with a pause on the chest
  • Throughout the cycle, we will be using the same weight across sets (i.e. we will never be building; choose a weight and stick with it)
  • Our rate of perceived exertion will never exceed a 7.5 throughout this cycle


  • There will be a designated tempo on every deadlift workout throughout this cycle.
  • We will be using the same weight across sets (i.e. we will never be building; choose a weight and stick with it)
  • Our rate of perceived exertion will never exceed a 7.5 throughout this cycle


  • A soft touch of the back knee every rep. If that is not possible, it is too heavy
  • Throughout the cycle, we will be using the same weight across sets (i.e. we will never be building; choose a weight and stick with it)
  • Our rate of perceived exertion will never exceed a 7.5 throughout this cycle

Why a hypertrophy phase to restart the off-season?

  • The lower intensity (read: lighter weights) will allow us to recover from a period of intense exercise (i.e. the open)
  • Higher repetitions allow us to build a solid foundation of muscular endurance and structural stability (read: healthy joints) which make sustaining periods of higher intensity later in the year possible.


Focus: 2000m Row Time Trial

The 2k row is an important piece of data that allows us to better understand our pacing and threshold on the rower no matter what workout it shows up on. We will be working on our pacing in at least one workout per week.

Testing Dates

We will be testing our 2000m row on Wednesday, November 20th.

Our retest at the end of the cycle will happen on Thursday, December 19th.

If you cannot make class on these days, you are encouraged to use our open gym hours to test your 2000m time trial.

Warm Ups

Warm ups will continue to focus on positioning in basic bodyweight exercises: push up, pull up, and air squat.

Improving your push ups and pull ups is about frequency. We need to be working on them often.

The tempos, time domains, and rep ranges will vary, but those three exercises will remain a staple in our warm ups.

Holiday Party at Solidarity!

Solidarity Holiday Party!

Please join us on Saturday, December 7th at 6PM to celebrate the Holidays as a community.

This will be a catered event and some drinks will be provided but feel free to BYOB.

Word on the street is Mark Mascotte is smoking a turkey and you won’t want to miss it!

Please check your email to RSVP ahead of time!