Thursday 2018.04.19


1A) Deadlift

Performance: 5/3/1

  • 3 @ 70%
  • 3 @ 80%
  • 3+ @ 90%

Use 90% as your training max.


  • 4 x 3-5 @ 31X1

1B) Hanging L-Up

  • 3 x 1 Max effort sets


2 Rounds each for time:

  • 120m Sled drag (to the wall and back x 2)
  • Run around to the front of the building
  • 35 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Rest 4-6 minutes between rounds.

Wednesday 2018.04.18


Every minute on the minute for 30:00:

  • Minute 1: 20m Forward Crawl
  • Minute 2: 12 Dumbbell hang clean and jerks (50/35) (6 each arm)
  • Minute 3: 15 Burpees

Tuesday 2018.04.17


1A) Back Squat

Performance: 5/3/1

  • 3 @ 70%
  • 3 @ 80%
  • 3+ @ 90%

Use 90% of your recent PR as your training max.


  • 4 x 3-5 @ 22X1

1B) Push Ups

  • 3 x 1 Max effort set


5 Rounds, in a 2:00 window complete:

  • 10 Dumbbell front squats (50/35)
  • 10 Box jumps (24/20)
  • Max calorie bike or row in remaining time

Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Monday 2018.04.16


1) 3 Rounds not for time

  • 8 Wall facing lateral handstand walk steps each direction
  • :45 Supine weighted plank

2) 3 Rounds not for time

  • 10m Single arm overhead walking lunge each arm
  • 10-12 Supinated grip bent over barbell rows @ 20X0


For time:

  • 50/40 Calorie bike or row
  • 100 Double unders
  • 400m Run

Saturday 2018.04.14


In teams of 3:

  • 6000m Row (alternate every 250m)*

*You must complete 3 man makers (35/25) before you can row again.

Right into:

  • 4 x 400m Relay Run (each athlete runs 400m four times)*

*You must complete 10 burpee pull ups before you can run again.