Nov 7, 2017
Back Squat
This is a deload week for performance. Do not go above 50%.
For time:
- 35/50 Calorie Bike
- 35/50 Calorie Row
- 800m Run
There is a 4:00 time cap on the bike portion of this workout.
Nov 6, 2017
Every minute on the minute for 12:00:
2 Rounds
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5:00:
- 3 Power Snatch @ 60-70% of today’s best lift
- 3 Overhead Squats @ same weight
- 10 Box Jumps (20/24)
- 6 Power Snatch
- 6 Overhead Squats
- 10 Box Jumps
- 9 Power Snatch
- 9 Overhead Squats
- 10 Box Jumps
- …Continue adding 3 reps each round until 5 minutes has elapsed
Rest 2:00 between rounds
Nov 5, 2017
1) Complete 3-4 rounds of one of the following complexes:
Level 1:
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 Swinging Knee Raises
- 4 Kip Swing
- 4 Swinging Straight Leg Raise
Level 2:
- 3 Ring Swing
- 3 Toes to Ring
- 3 Swinging Ring Pull Ups
Level 3:
- 2 Ring Swing
- 2 Toes to Ring
- 2 Ring Swing with a pull
- 1 Muscle Up
2) Complete 1 max effort set of one of the following exercises:
- Ring Muscle Ups
- Bar Muscle Ups
- Chest to Bar Pull Ups
- Pull Ups
- Ring Rows
For time:
- 100 Double Unders
- 30 Burpees
- 40 Toes to Bar
- 30 Burpees
- 100 Double Unders
Nov 2, 2017
Barbell Cycling
5 Rounds:
- :20 of Unbroken Thrusters @ 10X1
Rest :20 between rounds.
Choose a weight that allows you to go unbroken for the entire 20 seconds at the 10X1 tempo. The purpose of this is to work on cycling thrusters, not to go as heavy as possible.
In teams of 3, conga line style, complete as many rounds as possible in 20:00:
- 50m Farmer’s Carry (35/50 dumbbells)
- 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (20/24)
- 15 Toes to Bar
Each athlete occupies a station. You may not rotate until all athletes have completed their prescribed work.