Jan 30, 2015
0845 Weightlifting
Fitness: Technique work as prescribed.
Performance: 1RM Snatch & 1RM Clean & Jerk
1000 CrossFit
15 Minutes to find a heavy triple overhead squat
7 Minutes, as many rounds as possible:
- 135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
- 3 Toes-to-bar
- 135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
- 6 Toes-to-bar
- 135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
- 9 Toes-to-bar…
Add three reps each round until time runs out. Power cleans are allowed, snatches are not (bar must make contact with shoulders).
Jan 29, 2015
1A) Fitness: 3×5 Bench Press LP, do a fourth set if time allows
Performance: Heavy triple Bench Press, then two drop sets at -5% & -10%
1B) 3×8 Pendlay Rows AHAP
Teams of two, ten rounds alternating (five rounds each):
Two minutes to complete:
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Hand Release Push Ups
- Max Effort Row for Meters in time remaining
Score = Total Meters
Jan 28, 2015
Fitness: Clean deadlift + hang clean. Work to a heavy single then back off ~20% and work technique.
Performance: Work up to a heavy triple clean, then two drop sets at -5% & -10%.
Every 90 Seconds for 8 Rounds (12 minutes) complete complex of:
- 4 Deadlifts
- 3 Hang Cleans
- 2 Front Rack Lunges (1L/1R)
- 1 Jerk
If possible add weight each round. Power cleans are allowed but not required.
Jan 26, 2015
Fitness: 3×5 Back Squat linear progression; do a fourth set if time allows
Performance: Back Squat, heavy triple. If you have time do two drop sets at -5% & -10%
“B Side”, 4 Rounds:
- 10 Thrusters (95/65)
- 25 Double Unders
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 25 Double Unders
- 10 Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
Jan 25, 2015
Solidarity CrossFit is hosting the Festivus games on April 18th, sign up here. This is an all beginner & intermediate live, on site competition. Experience what a difference a crowd makes when doing a MetCon…there is nothing quite like it!
Sign up for the CrossFit Open now! Every Friday starting February 26th we will be doing the open workouts in the gym. Since you will already be doing the workouts, you may as well sign up and see where you stack up in the Mid-Atlantic (and beyond). There are scaled divisions this year as well.
Fitness: Work up to a heavy single snatch deadlift + hang snatch. If time remains drop down ~20% and work technique.
1) Work up to a heavy triple snatch then
2) Continue on to a heavy triple snatch pull
Note: Snatch Pulls and Snatch Deadlifts by nature will be heavier than snatches, however, if the weight alters the bar path or bio-mechanics the training stimulus is lost and the weight should be brought down.
Teams of three, three rounds (teammate complete each station three times), rotate only when all finished at current station:
Station 1:
- 10 Pull Ups
- 10 Hand release Push Ups
Station 2:
- 20 Kettlebell Snatch (53/35)
Station 3:
RX+: C2B, Ring Dips, snatches @ 62/44, 300m