Dec 12, 2014
Congratulations to Lauren for taking home gold in her first competition!
Welcome friends! We are excited to host friends and family at the last Bring a Friend Day of 2014. It will be one to remember…
Working in teams of 4, complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
- Row Relay (300/250)
- 10 Unison Burpees
- 15 Wall Ball Relay (20/14)
- 20 Team Sit Ups
- 50m Farmers Walk Relay (140/106)
Dec 11, 2014
Fitness: Back Squat, 3×5 Linear Progression; if time allows you may do a fourth set.
Option 1) Utilizing 94% of load Monday (95%), Front/Back Squat, 6 x 2-4
Do 3 front squats, rerack bar, take a breath, then immediately do 6 back squats. Six sets. Get some.
Option 2) Same as above, but three or four sets rather than six. If the volume of the squat cycle has not been agreeing with you or you want to ensure you have enough time for the met-con you should use this option.
3 rounds for time:
- 400m run
- 15 hand release push ups
- 2 x 16′ rope climbs
Dec 9, 2014
That Colosseum tho
Fitness: Work up to a heavy single two-position clean; high hang + hang
Performance: Work up to a heavy single three-position clean; high hang + hang + floor
For time:
- 10 power cleans (145/100)
- 75 double unders
- 10 power cleans (165/115)
- 75 double unders
- 10 power cleans (185/130)
- 75 double unders
10 Burpee penalty to be served at end of workout for each instance of incorrect plate math. For example: Do not add 10# bumpers to 15s to get to 25, instead strip the 15s and add 25s.
Dec 8, 2014
1A) Fitness: Press 3×5 linear progression, do a fourth set if time allows
Peformance: Press 2×3@ 80%, 1×3+ @80%
1B) 2 x 16′ rope climbs, legless if possible
10 minutes, as many rounds as possible of:
- 3 shoulder to overhead (165/105)
- 6 chest to bar pullups
- 9 over the bar burpees
Dec 7, 2014
Reviewing the false grip
Fitness: 3×5 Front Squat, Linear Progression
Option 1) Utilizing 95% of Front Squat 1RM, Front/Back Squat, 6 x 2-4
Do 2 front squats, rerack bar, take a breath, then immediately do 4 back squats. Six sets. Get some.
Option 2) Same as above, but three or four sets rather than six. If the volume of the squat cycle has not been agreeing with you or you want to ensure you have enough time for the met-con you should use this option
For time, 42-30-18: