Friday 2013.09.13

Mobilize: Hips


12 minutes to work up to a heavy single high hang clean



3 rounds for time:

  • 400m Run
  • 21 Kettlebell Swings
  • 12 Pull Ups

Thursday 2013.09.12

Rest day! Come into the gym and make-up a workout you missed or work on some mobility.

We are excited to officially welcome Emily Parker to the Solidarity coaching team! Emily had several years of experience coaching traditional fitness classes, but had never tried CrossFit prior to joining Solidarity last November. From the first day, we recognized her commitment to virtuosity in all movements, even during the toughest of workouts.

As an athlete, Emily set the standard for dedication; week after week, month after month, she showed up and worked hard without fail. Her determination and consistency are directly responsible for her spectacular progress: she rocks push ups, deadlifts over 200 pounds, and recently got her first dead hang pull up. Plus, she can outplank just about everyone in the gym!

Emily recently passed her CrossFit Level 1 trainer exam and is currently making the Solidarity Boot Campers sweat with some intense early morning workouts. We are proud to see her moving into a leadership role in our community!

Wednesday 2013.09.11

Mobilize: Hips

Strength: Deadlift

2×3, 1×3+ @76.5%


4 rounds for time:

  • 10 Deadlifts @55%
  • 40 Double Unders

Close:  3×0:30 Weighted Planks

Rest as needed between rounds and increase weight each round. Try to set a new 0:30 weighted plank PR on the last round.

Tuesday 2013.09.10

Mobilize: Overhead Position

Strength: Press

3×2, 1×2+ @81%

Mobilize: Front Rack


8 minutes, as many rounds as possible:

  • 15 Front Squats (135/95)
  • 12 Toes to Bar
  • 9 Push Jerks (135/95)

Work through L-sit progressions.  Work through each segment until you can no longer complete a given segment. Attempt the segment you could not complete a few more times resting as needed between efforts.

Monday 2013.09.09

Strength: 12 minutes to work up to a heavy single high hang snatch

Conditioning: 100 Burpees for time

*Every two minutes, including the first (00:00), do 5 strict pull ups or 5 rings rows (no bands). 12 minute cut-off, record time finished or number of burpees completed.

Daniel and Emily practicing sumo deadlifts with Courtney Modecki during Saturday’s strength seminar. Courtney competed as an individual in the 2013 CrossFit Games and finished 2nd place in the USA Power Lifting Nationals. Courtney founded the boot camp that, over the years, became Solidarity, and will be in Charlottesville training and guest coaching at Solidarity through September. We’re excited to have her at the gym for the next few weeks!