Monday 2012.11.26

Group A/B: Press & Squat
Group C: Squat


 Time Trial:
2K row
1 mile run

These are time trials, so leave it all out there!

Close: Mobility work of choice

Are you committing any of these common rowing technique errors? Watch, learn, and try to correct them.

Sunday 2012.11.25

Today is a rest day/make up day. Come in to work on mobility, do some active recovery, or make up a workout you missed earlier in the week.

Upcoming Event!

Next Saturday, December 1, from 11 a.m.-noon, we will be hosting a Mindfulness Seminar with Guy Towne, MSW, LCSW. This event is FREE to all members and their guests.

Mindfulness means “bringing one’s complete attention to the present experience on a moment-to-moment basis.” Being present and aware is key to safety and efficiency in the gym — and is also important outside of it. We know that times of stress (even the “good stress” of family, friends, and holiday treats) can pose challenges to mindfulness. Come learn some tips and tricks to help you stay sane through the holidays and beyond!

Please RSVP to Becky at if you plan to attend.

Saturday 2012.11.24

Skill: Turkish Get Up


Option 1: Ring Row/Knees to Elbow Ladder

Option 2: Rope Climb + Toes to Bar Ladder

We ate a delicious Thanksgiving dinner (see for the recipes). We hope that you had a great holiday!

Friday 2012.11.23

There will be two class times today: 11am & 5:15pm

Group A/B: Front Squat & Deadlift
Group C: Deadlift

21-15-9, repetitions for time of:

  • Deadlift (225/155)
  • Hand Stand Push-ups

Thanksgiving crew

Thursday 2012.11.22

Happy Thanksgiving! We are so thankful to have so many amazing athletes as part of our community. Come work up a hearty appetite with a Thanksgiving workout at 9:00 a.m. Friends and family visiting from out of town? Bring them along for the fun!


Partner “Small”


In teams of two, with one partner working at a time, complete 3 rounds for time of:

  • 1000m row
  • 50 burpees
  • 50 box jumps
  • 800m run

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Marc Small, 29, of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, assigned to 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died on February 12, 2009, from wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit with a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and small arms fire in Faramuz, Afghanistan. He is survived by his father and stepmother, Murray and Karen, mother and stepfather, Mary and Peter MacFarland, and fiancee Amanda Charney.