Programming Updates
Movement of the month:
Strict Pull Up
We will be testing our strict pull up at the beginning of the month. Since we are all at different points in our journey towards improving our pull ups there will be two versions we will offer for a test. They are the following:
One max effort set of horizontal ring rows.
If you do not yet have one strict pull up, this test is for you.
When we retest at the end of the month, make sure to perform your ring rows at the same angle you tested them at the beginning of the month.
If you felt like you were close to a strict pull up, before your ring row test at the end of the month, you may test a strict pull up.
One max effort set of strict pull ups.
If you have one or more strict pull ups, this test is for you.
These will be performed with a pronated grip. This is because most movements in CrossFit hanging from the bar are performed with a pronated grip.
Throughout the month, we will be developing our strict pulling strength through a variety of exercises and rep schemes.
Warm ups will include shoulder strengthening exercises such as push ups, ring rows, handstands, strict pull ups, and more. They will not be intense, but an important part of developing upper-body strength is frequency. How often are you performing these exercises throughout the week? This is why warm ups are so important.
Our strength portion of class will include the following:
Volume accumulation. We will be gradually building the total number of reps you perform in a session, and across the weeks and month.
Pulling and pushing in different planes. It’s important for both strength development and overall shoulder health to vary the angles at which you pull and press.
Our conditioning portion of the class will also include pull ups and we will gradually increase the volume across the month.
A big reason why CrossFit works is that intensity drives adaptation. The key is to introduce that intensity in a controlled manner to guarantee long term health.
Secondary Strength Focus
Back Squat
Once per week.
Every session will allow you to adjust based on how you feel that day through RPE prescriptions.
Varying tempos that will progress from slow eccentrics and long pauses to quicker eccentrics and shorter pauses. This will allow us to progress the intensity throughout the month.
Strict Press
Once per week.
We will begin by establishing a heavy set to establish a baseline.
The first few sessions after that will be higher volume and we will gradually progress to lower volume, higher intensity.
This will pair nicely with our movement for the month, the strict pull up.
Microcycle Preview
- Monday: strict pull up test
- Tuesday: back squat
- Wednesday: partner workout
- Thursday: strict press
- Friday: intervals
- Saturday: team workout