
Front Squat

Build to a heavy single with a :07 descent


Today’s strength is tempo front squats. You will build to a heavy 1-rep with a :07 descent. The goal is to ensure the descent is consistent. Controlling the bottom half of the squat is much more difficult. Don’t allow yourself to drop into the bottom. Stay in control throughout the rep.


5 Rounds

In 1:00:

  • 4 Power Cleans
  • 4 Front Squats
  • Max Calories in remaining time

Rest 1:00


Today’s conditioning is 5 rounds of power cleans, front squats, and calories. You will have 1-minute of work and 1-minute of rest, and in that minute you have to complete a buy in of 4 power cleans and 4 front squats before getting on your machine to complete as many calories as possible. Your score is the lowest number of calories completed out of the 5 rounds.

The power cleans and front squats should be performed with a moderately challenging weight. If using a barbell, the power cleans may be quick singles, but the squats should be unbroken. If you are using dumbbells or kettlebells and don’t have anything heavy enough to make 4 reps challenging, consider adding a few reps.

Try to stay consistent on the machine across all 5 rounds. This will mean holding back just slightly on the first few rounds. If you do not have a machine, you may substitute 10m shuttle sprints, burpees, or double unders.