
1a) Alternating Kettlebell Z-Press @ 20X1

  • x 5/arm x 3 sets

1b) V-Up

  • x 15 x 3 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is kettlebell z-press and v-ups. You will alternate between the two exercises for 3 working sets.

The kettlebell z-press will be performed with a :01 pause overhead and :02 negative. You will alternate arms each rep and the non-working arm will remain in a front rack. Choose a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete all 10 unbroken.

The v-ups are meant to be performed unbroken. Adjust to tuck-ups if needed.


3 Rounds

Complete as many rounds as possible in 3:00:

  • 30 Double Unders
  • 12 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts (70/53)
  • 6 Burpee Pull Ups

Rest 3:00

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is 3 time priority intervals with 3:00 rest between. Your goal is to stay consistent across all 3 rounds.

The double unders are meant to be performed unbroken and quickly. Adjust the number or perform single unders to keep each set under :20.

The double kettlebell deadlifts should be performed unbroken and should never feel heavy. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The burpee pull ups are to be performed under a pull up bar that is 6″ above your reach. If you cannot jump into a pull up from that distance, use a lower pull up bar, or perform a burpee then a jumping pull up from a box.