Scheduling Notes

Solidarity CrossFit will be holding its annual UVA PICU Training Fund fundraiser workout, Saturday February 29th 0830 – 1030! This workout is open to the public. Expect a fun & challenging team workout designed to be appropriate for all experience & skill levels.

Voluntary donations and raffle tickets will be available at the door. We have raffle prizes from Lululemon, Marie-Bette, Commonhouse, Courtney Coker Photography, Venture Chiropractic, and Monticello Country Ballooning! Drawings for the raffle prizes will be after the workout. 100% of all monies collected will be donated to the UVA PICU Training Fund.

Sign up ahead of time here

0830 Open gym will be cancelled because of the fundraiser. Weightlifting class is scheduled as normal! Thank you for your cooperation.


1a) Strict Press @ 30X1

  • x 4 x 4 sets @ RPE 7

1b) Legless Rope Climb

  • x 1 x 4 sets

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is strict press and legless rope climbs. You are going to alternate back and forth between the two for 4 working sets, resting as needed.

The strict press will be performed with a :01 pause overhead and :03 lower. Warm up to a weight that after your first working set leaves you feeling like you could perform a few more reps. You will use that weight for all 4 sets.

The legless rope climbs may be performed in an L-sit, as a regular legless climb, or as a rope row climb.


With a partner, alternating full rounds, complete 3 rounds each:

  • 12/9 Calories
  • 16 Kettlebell Snatch (53/35)
  • 12/9 Calories
  • 16 Toes to Bar

21:00 time cap

Conditioning Notes

Today’s conditioning is a task priority to be completed with a partner. Partner 1 will complete a full round of calories, shoulder to overhead, calories, toes to bar. Then partner 1 will rest and partner 2 will begin a full round. This pattern continues until both partners have done 3 rounds each. Each individual round should take no longer than 3:30 as there is a 21:00 time cap.

The calories should take :40 or less each round. Adjust the number of calories accordingly.

The kettlebell snatch should be completed as 8 on one side, then 8 on the other. Each set of 8 should be unbroken. Adjust the weight accordingly.

The toes to bar should take no more than 2 sets each time. Adjust the number of reps or perform knee raises in order to accomplish this.