
Back Squat @ 55X1

  • x 4 x 4 sets @ RPE 7

Strength Notes

Today’s strength is back squats. Every rep will be performed with a :05 descent and :05 pause in the bottom. Limit yourself to a :01 pause between reps. You will warm up to a weight that at this tempo, after your first working set you felt like you could have performed 3 more reps with the prescribed tempo. You will use this weight for all 4 working sets. Keep in mind that this is a lot of time under tension. The working weight will most likely be on the lighter side.


At 0:00, complete 3 rounds for time:

  • 20 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 10 Dumbbell Snatch (70/50)

At 8:00, complete for time:

  • 60 Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 30 Dumbbell Snatch (70/50)

6:00 time cap on both workouts.

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout consists of two task priority intervals. There is a 6:00 time cap on both workouts.

The wall balls should be at a weight that allows you to complete the sets of 20 unbroken. On the second portion of the workout, you should still be able to maintain sets of 20.

The dumbbell snatches should be at a weight that allows you to complete sets of 10 unbroken. If you are not switching in the air, ensure the 10 reps are done in under 1:00. Make sure you are able to maintain this pace on the second portion of the workout. Adjust the weight accordingly.