Every minute, on the minute, for 10:00:
- Even: 3 Touch and Go Squat Snatch @ 65-75%
- Odd: 5 Power Clean and Jerks @ same load
2 Sets:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7:00 of:
- 7 Overhead Squats (95/65)
- 7 Burpees over the Bar
- 7 Calorie Row or Bike
Rest 2:00
Optional Independent Work
3 Sets:
- 8 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts
- 50s Wall Facing Shoulder Taps
- 10 Dumbbell Hammer Curls
Pull Up Program Week 3
You will do this work 2-3 times this week.
5 Sets:
- Scap Push Ups x 5 @ 2122
- Rest 60s
- Assisted Chin Ups x 2 @ 5013
- Rest 60s
3 Sets:
- Single Arm Dumbbell Press x 10-12 each arm @ 4010
- Rest 45s
- Active Hang x 25-35 seconds
- Rest 75s