In a team of 3, alternate full rounds and complete as many as possible in 30:00:
- 6 DB Hang Squat Cleans
- 9-12 Calories
- 6 DB Hang Squat Cleans
Today’s conditioning is 30-minutes of hang squat cleans and calories. Partner 1 will complete 6 hang squat cleans, 9-12 calories, 6 hang squat cleans, then rest while partner 2 works through the same. Then partner 3 will work through the same thing. Continue this pattern for 30-minutes.
The hang squat cleans should be at a moderate weight. You should always be able to complete 6 reps unbroken, but since the overall volume is low, it doesn’t have to be too light.
The calories should be completed at a fast pace. Don’t spend more than :45 on the machine.