*Scheduling Note*
In observance of Labor Day we will be operating on a limited schedule on Monday, September 6. The WOD will be a team workout and the schedule will be as follows:
- 0900 CrossFit
- 1000 Open Gym
- 1130 CrossFit
With a partner, complete 4 rounds for time:
At the same time
- Partner 1: 20-25 Calories
- Partner 2: 300m Run
when both partners are done
- Partner 1: 300m Run
- Partner 2: 20-25 Calories
when both partners are done
- 20 Clean and Jerks (opwaat)
30:00 time cap
Today’s conditioning is to be done with a partner. At “3,2,1, go…” partner 1 begins with 20-25 calories and partner 2 begins with a 300m run. When both partners are done, partner 1 will run 300m and partner 2 will complete 20-25 calories. Next, both partners will chip away at 20 clean and jerks. That is one round. Your score is the time to complete 4 rounds.
The calories and run should take roughly 1:30 to complete. Adjust the distances and calories accordingly.
Choose a moderate weight on the barbell that allows you and your partner to alternate one rep at a time at a consistent pace.