
Working in a team of 3, at 0:00, complete:

  • 4500/3600m Row (alternate every 500/400m)
  • 210 Step Ups (35/50, 20″/24″)

At 18:00, complete:

  • 270/180 Calorie Bike (alternate every 30/20 calories)
  • 150 Power Cleans (105/155)

Conditioning Notes

Today’s workout consists of two task priority intervals to be completed in a team of 3. Both follow the same format. One person will always be on a machine and the other two partners will be chipping away at the step ups or power snatches.

During the row, each team member will row 3 times. If your best 2000m time trial time is faster than 8:00, you will row 500m. If your best 2000m time trial is slower than 8:00, you will row 400m.

The step ups will be completed with one dumbbell and you may hold it however you choose. Make sure that you can reach full extension of the knees and hips without any assistance from the other leg with whatever weight you choose.

Each team member will ride the bike 3 times. The calories on the bike should take no longer than 2:00 each interval.

The power cleans should be at a weight that allows you to perform very quick singles or small touch-and-go sets.