0845 Weightlifting
1000 CrossFit
With a partner, one person working at a time, complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:
- 100m Shuttle Run (Change directions every 10m)
- 6 Wall Walks
- 24 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
Rest 2:00
With a partner, one person working at a time, complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:
- 40m Farmer’s Walk
- 12 Burpees
- 24 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (70/50)
Rest 2:00
With a partner, one person working at a time, complete as many rounds as possible in 10:00 of:
- 500m Row
- 24 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
- 24 Wall Balls (20/14)