

power clean + clean (position 2)


Today’s strength is a snatch EMOM. You will perform 1 power clean + 1 clean from position 2 at the top of each minute, for 8 rounds.

It is up to you how you load the bar on these sets. You can build up throughout the 8 rounds, or you can stay at the same working weight across multiple rounds. You can also decrease the weight if that feels appropriate.

You should be prioritizing quality movement throughout. Try to hit your positions and move explosively through extension and under the bar. We do not want you missing any reps if you can help it.


2 sets

3 rounds
18-21 calories
10 DB front squats

2:00 rest between sets

*13 min cap*


Today’s metcon is 2 sets of 3 rounds of calories and DB front squats. You will complete 3 rounds of calories and squats and then rest for 2:00. After the rest, you will complete 3 rounds again. Your score is the times it takes you to complete each set or the reps completed at each time cap.

The calories should be done in less than 1:15. If this sounds like an aggressive pace, you can lower the number of calories.

Your dumbbell weight should be heavy. The goal is to do the squats unbroken, but this is your opportunity to use a heavier weight since the volume is relatively low.