3 rounds
Wall facing lateral handstand walk steps x 5-10/side.
*diagonal stretch x 10 +:10 hold/side between sets
Then, 2 rounds
Pull up x 4-6
Dip x 8-10
Ring row x 8-10
Pushup x 8-10
If you are not ready for the wall facing lateral steps then you may do shoulder taps either in a wall facing position or piked on a box.
Be sure to actively take control of your bodyweight with your support arm before moving the other arm on both of these movements.
The diagonal stretch may feel like more of a balance challenge than a stretch at first. Stick with it and try to reach further down on the rear leg as your mobility increases. You can also try to decrease the bend in the back knee as your mobility improves on this movement.
Use a band for the pull ups if necessary. If you this still does not get you to 4-6 reps then consider a harder angle of the ring row for the set of 4-6 and an easier angle for the set of 8-10. Both sets should be challenging though.
You may do you dips from the rings, a matador, between boxes, or from a bench/box. The bench/box method is the easiest and the rings if the most challenging. You can also use a band from the rings/matador to assist this movement. Also use your foot to spot as much as necessary on any of these variations.
Elevate your hands as necessary for a full range of motion on the push ups.
Aim for the top of the rep range on each movement. If you are able to achieve this on both sets this week you may start to make the movements slightly harder next week. Keep in mind that with no rest between movements any small change in difficulty will compound quickly.
5 rounds
12-15 cal
8 chest to bar
8 DB push press
14 minute time cap
Today’s workout is 5 rounds of calories, chest to bar pull ups, and dumbbell push press. You will rest 1:00 between rounds. Your score will be your total time for the rounds, including the rest.
Calories should be completed in about a minute or so. You may lower the calories to 10-12 if this pace sounds overly aggressive.
Chest to bar pull ups should be completed in no more than 2-3 sets. You may substitute chin over bar pull ups, banded chest to bar, banded chin over bar, or jumping chest to bar. Try to challenge yourself on the pull up variation.
Your dumbbells should be a moderate weight. The goal is to stay unbroken across the 5 rounds.