
With a Partner

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
10 burpees
12-15 cal row

Rest :90

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
15 goblet squats
12-15 cal bike

Rest :90

AMRAP 8. Alternating Full Rounds:
10-15 push ups
10-12 cal assault/echo/ski


In today’s workout you and partner will perform three 8-minute AMRAPs. You will rest :90 between each AMRAP. You will do burpees + rowing, goblet squats + bike erg, and push ups + echo bike/assault bike/ski erg. You will alternate full rounds with your partner until the 8 minutes is up. Your score is the total amount of rounds and reps completed by your team across the entire workout.

Your burpees shouldn’t take longer than :40. Decrease the amount if necessary.

Pick a weight for the squats and a variation for the push ups that allows you to finish each movement in 1-2 quick sets per round.

Your calories shouldn’t take longer than about :45 each round. Decrease the amount if necessary.