
3-4 sets:

Ring Dip x 5-7 @ 31×1
Pendlay Row x 8-10 @ 11×0
Jefferson Curl x 2-3 with :05 descent and :05 hold in the bottom


Use the 3 different scores to note your reps and setup on the dips, weight on the Pendlay rows, and your weight and feel on the Jefferson curl.

For the ring dip you may spot yourself with a foot on the floor or on a box, or with bands under the knees. You can also substitute dips to stable surface or pushups done at the same tempo. Aim for 7 reps on each set. If you get sets of 7 across then you may either decrease assistance or add weight next week.

The tempo for the Pendlay row just means you will pause for :01 on the ground each rep to avoid any bouncing. You will not pause at the chest. If mobility limitations prevent a neutral spine in the bottom, you may elevate the bar by pulling from a set of plates rather than from the ground.

For the Jefferson curl, stand on an elevated surface with light-moderate weight that is enough to assist in the stretch but not necessarily heavy. Focus on control and range of motion rather than simply adding weight. Though as you become more comfortable with the movement you may use gradually heavier weights.


Every :90 x 6 rounds

Rounds 1, 4: 10-15 hanging knee raises from rope + 40 double unders
Rounds 2, 5: 10-15 chest to bar pull ups + 8-10 burpees
Rounds 3, 6: 4-6 renegade rows + 15 box jump & step down


Today’s workout is 6 :90 rounds. On rounds 1 and 4 you will perform 10-15 hanging knee raises from the rope and 40 double unders. Rounds 2 and 5 will consist of 10-15 chest to bar pull ups and 10 burpees. For rounds 3 and 6 you will do 4-6 renegade rows and 15 box jumps. Your score is the amount of reps completed.

You should be able to complete the hanging knee raises and pull ups in 1-2 quick sets. You can substitute knee raises from a bar, situps, or v ups. For the chest to bar you can substitute chin over bar pull ups, ring rows, jumping chest to bar pull ups, or banded pull ups.

The renegade rows should be unbroken. Each rep will be left arm row, pushup, right arm row, pushup. If you cannot complete the pushup portion of the movement you can do 4-6 push ups to the box followed by 4-6 per side db rows from the pushup plank position.

The double unders, burpees, and box jumps shouldn’t take much more than :30 per round. You can reduce the amount of reps on any of these movements if necessary. You can also perform single unders instead of doubles, or box step ups instead of jumps.

As always, prioritize safety on the box jumps. Pick a height you are confident jumping to and step down from each rep.