
Build to a heavy set of 2-3 reps for the day.

If you have extra time you can hit some drop sets of 3-5 reps at 80-85% of your heavy weight.

do 2-3 bodyweight Jefferson curls between sets


Think about actively contracting your abs to pull yourself into a deeper position on the Jefferson curlĀ 


EMOM 12:00

Minute 1:10-15 Hand Release Pushup
Minute 2: 2-4 Rope Lowers
Minute 3: 16-22 Calories
Minute 4: Rest


Todays workout is a 12 minute EMOM of push ups, rope lowers, calories, and rest. You will perform each movement 3 times. Your score will be the total amount of reps and calories completed across the workout.

Choose a pushup variation that allows you to get 10-15 reps done in 1 or 2 quick sets. You may scale to regular pushups, hand release pushups from the knees, or pushups to an elevated surface. If you opt to elevate the hands, do not perform your pushups hand release style.

Choose an amount of [rope lowers]( that you can complete in :45-:50. This should leave you time to get set on your machine for the next minute. If you cannot perform rope lowers you may substitute 8-12 ring rows

Your calories can take the entire minute if necessary, as they will be followed by rest. These should be performed at a hard pace, but not quite a full sprint. If you can’t reach 16 calories in 60 seconds without sprinting, reduce the calories as necessary.