build to 3 sets of 1+5
then do 2-3 sets of 4-5 heavy clean pulls
Aim to pause in the receiving position for :02 before sinking into the first front squat if possible. If you were here last week, aim to complete your working sets at 85-90% of last week’s weight. If you were not here last week, aim for a weight that is challenging but repeatable for 3 sets. You should not be missing any reps today.
For the clean pulls, find a weight that is challenging but doesn’t result in any technical or postural breakdown. Use the same weight for all of your sets and aim for 5 reps on each set. If you were here last week aim to use slightly more weight.
Spend about 10-12 minutes on the cleans, and about 5 minutes on the pulls.
Min1: Max Hang Power Snatch in :15
Min 2: Max OHS in :15
Min 3: Hang Power Clean in :15
Min 4: Max Thrusters in :15
*perform 2-4 burpees over the bar immediately following each set.
Today’s workout is a 12 minute EMOM of hang power snatches, overhead squats, hang power cleans, and thrusters. You will spend the first :15 of each minute performing as many reps as you can of the given movement. You will then immediately perform 2-4 burpees over the bar, and then rest until the top of next minute. Your score is the total amount of reps completed across the workout, including the burpees.
Use the same weight for all movements. It should be a light weight, allowing you to stay unbroken and move smoothly for the full :15.
You should be finishing your burpees in :15 as well, leaving you about :30 of rest each round. Choose an appropriate amount of burpees to accomplish this.