
Romanian Deadlift 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps with 21×1 tempo

*Arm circles next to wall in between sets x 10/side


Stand on plate if necessary to reach a full range of motion on the Romanian Deadlift.

Perform all working set at the same weight and aim for the top of the rep range. If you reach the top of the rep range on each working set then go heavier next week.

For the wall circles be sure to avoid rotating the hips or torso to facilitate the movement. Stand as close to the wall as possible without letting your hand touch the wall. Move slowly and try to work deliberately through those sticking points.


1 – 13-16 calories
2 – :40 sandbag hold
3 – 10 double KB swings (Russian)


The workout today is an EMOM with calories, sandbag holds, and double kettlebell swings. You will complete a total of 5 rounds of these movements.

The calories should take no longer than about :55. If this pace does not sound sustainable, you can lower the calories to 12-15.

The sandbag should be a challenging weight, but not so heavy that you have to break the :45 hold.

Your kettlebells should be a light moderate weight that allows you to complete the reps unbroken. This is your chance to recover before moving back to the calories.